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my new ink ,jim morrison portrait

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like i said earlier its not for everyone liking but i love it, this picture does not do any justice in the flesh it look awsome ,and as for someone commants about the colours round the side i was just going 2 get a plain portrait but i wanted somthink different ,plus i wanted somthink different instead of all these skulls and crossbow carry on,and for birds comment the doors more then a few tune wonders and they wern,t over rated at all .

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Give it up guys. The blokes just had a tattoo done, he's happy with it, thats all that matters.

I think the chap takes some beating Darren stares in portsmouth , one of his portraits  

Rocky, that's a great Tatt.   Never knew you liked Steven Tyler and Frank out of shamless!

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asabove says ,well happy with it ,i was just going go with all black portrait but my mate said the colour would set it off ,i know it might not be everyone cup of tea but he my favorite artist of all time ,and also the writen a verse of my favirite song peacefrog


is this the bloke out of aerosmith ...
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asabove says ,well happy with it ,i was just going go with all black portrait but my mate said the colour would set it off ,i know it might not be everyone cup of tea but he my favorite artist of all time ,and also the writen a verse of my favirite song peacefrog


you can allways get it coverd over when you can afford a decent artist

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asabove says ,well happy with it ,i was just going go with all black portrait but my mate said the colour would set it off ,i know it might not be everyone cup of tea but he my favorite artist of all time ,and also the writen a verse of my favirite song peacefrog





fair play on the tat mate I should think it'll look a bit different when it heals :thumbs:



P,s that has to be the whitest shirt I have ever seen LOL

Edited by danw
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asabove says ,well happy with it ,i was just going go with all black portrait but my mate said the colour would set it off ,i know it might not be everyone cup of tea but he my favorite artist of all time ,and also the writen a verse of my favirite song peacefrog





fair play on the tat mate I should think it'll look a bit different when it heals :thumbs:



P,s that has to be the whitest shirt I have ever seen LOL


haha the vest is cany white ,and yes it will look very different when it heels and this picture dosen,t do the tattoo any justice and the main thing is i,m very happy with it that only person it has 2 please

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asabove says ,well happy with it ,i was just going go with all black portrait but my mate said the colour would set it off ,i know it might not be everyone cup of tea but he my favorite artist of all time ,and also the writen a verse of my favirite song peacefrog


you can allways get it coverd over when you can afford a decent artist



why would i ,this picture dosen,t any justice ,when it heels and with a session 2 do touch up it will look even better

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asabove says ,well happy with it ,i was just going go with all black portrait but my mate said the colour would set it off ,i know it might not be everyone cup of tea but he my favorite artist of all time ,and also the writen a verse of my favirite song peacefrog





fair play on the tat mate I should think it'll look a bit different when it heals :thumbs:



P,s that has to be the whitest shirt I have ever seen LOL


haha the vest is cany white ,and yes it will look very different when it heels and this picture dosen,t do the tattoo any justice and the main thing is i,m very happy with it that only person it has 2 please



totally agree a lot of folks don't like my tats but fuckem I do and thats all as counts :thumbs:

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