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A dog is for life not....or am I old fashioned??

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I doubt anyone that leaves dogs in the field, sells jackers or passes on their dogs that don't make the grade will be posting abou it on this thread. We see them advertising all the time though. I find it sad and offensive that these people think we are that stupid. Whatever dogs I have I will be keeping for the rest of their life. The only time I ever got rid of dogs they were rescue dogs and aggressive to people or other dogs. From now on I will get them as pups.

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All my dogs are with me, or my family, for life, whether they make the grade or not.

The thing with this is alot of people are always trying to impress others more than just enjoying their dogs and sport by themselves so they set these silly standards on how there dogs should be far t

In my expierience those who turn over many dogs throughout the year are not dogmen... they are 'collectors'... More driven by whats in a dog rather than what it does or can do. Yes, they'll get out a

your right there but some people don't have big pens or big back garden and only have the room for one dog but get what your saying.

Have bitch here for about 3 breed her when she was 5, she now 7 and pup,2.When pup gets to 5,l breed her and the old bitch be 10 and prop put to sleep around 11,12 if she still here but that is just me.And l hope to keep that cycle up

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my dogs are tools of the trade it might seem harsh but its the way it is i feed them best of food treat them with care and atention and owt wrong gets sorted at once but if they dont do the job im afraid they are out no ifs or buts a dog thats shite is no good to no one and eats the same as a goodun fact most are pts if not suited for pets

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In my expierience those who turn over many dogs throughout the year are not dogmen... they are 'collectors'... More driven by whats in a dog rather than what it does or can do.

Yes, they'll get out a bit but their main focus is either type or look and from that are never satisfied as to whats in there kennel, because as soon as they have a conversation about coursing, they'll go and get a saluki cross, foxing, a bull cross etc etc.

It's so visible on here, the 'Let's see your....' and the 'What would a deerhound x whippet x ridgeback x manchester terrier be like...' threds. The grass isn't always greener....!!!

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I doubt anyone that leaves dogs in the field, sells jackers or passes on their dogs that don't make the grade will be posting abou it on this thread. We see them advertising all the time though. I find it sad and offensive that these people think we are that stupid. Whatever dogs I have I will be keeping for the rest of their life. The only time I ever got rid of dogs they were rescue dogs and aggressive to people or other dogs. From now on I will get them as pups.
good on you lad pups only is the best way to go unless you no the adult dog inside out but always remember no one will part with a genuine dog as adult there will always be summat up with it!! The simple answer is dint by in shite in the first place and then with the correct rearing and entering you should never have to get rid but obviously there is always exception to the rule and then its down to you own conscience what you do
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Loyalty works both ways imo - dogs are the most loyal and i believe in being loyal also , they would not leave you , ive had more shit with 1 of my dogs than most people will cope with but hes come good now and even if he didnt he would still be here , i agree its hard for the real coursing lads who put the money on the line in the daytime and the lads who are out everynight and travelling hours on end for the big stuff , but f**k me if you cant bring a dog on half decent lamping bunnies and stuff your pretty useless so dont get one or make sure of the basics first , but its the lads who dont give a shite where the dog goes and the ones that breed any old shite for money that spoil the game imo :bye:

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The thing with this is alot of people are always trying to impress others more than just enjoying their dogs and sport by themselves so they set these silly standards on how there dogs should be far to high and alot of decent dogs are the unfortunate victims rhrough no fault of there own. Every dog has its faults thats plain and simple its just a shame to many knumbskulls are in the game now to realise this!! I think the biggest victim in all this is the bull cross as they attract more idiots than any other which is a shame as they are without doubt the best cross in all there various crosses, get the right cross that suits your needs and you wont just have a dog for its life you will have a dog that you will never forget in yours!

A lot of truth in that! :thumbs:

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The thing with this is alot of people are always trying to impress others more than just enjoying their dogs and sport by themselves so they set these silly standards on how there dogs should be far to high and alot of decent dogs are the unfortunate victims rhrough no fault of there own. Every dog has its faults thats plain and simple its just a shame to many knumbskulls are in the game now to realise this!! I think the biggest victim in all this is the bull cross as they attract more idiots than any other which is a shame as they are without doubt the best cross in all there various crosses, get the right cross that suits your needs and you wont just have a dog for its life you will have a dog that you will never forget in yours!

A lot of truth in that! :thumbs:


maybe but not always the case,i have no one to impress doesnt mean i have to put up with a knacker

Edited by watchman
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The thing that piss me of is dog dealers, I know a few different dogs in there kennels every week till they get bored of them then sell the poor dog to another idiot, if you got something good why get rid.

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a working dog is a working dog and once hees finished either use him for stud or brood if they are bred [bANNED TEXT] and very good workers coursers , if not the best thing is a good retirment home or put to sleep ,humanely ,as youl have newer younger charges to get ready for the season , some dogs retire easly others to highly bred , for pet homes ,im all for puting to sleep humanely ,once they get on a bit , be nice to keep them all but sometimes not practicle its not an easy task but it puts your mind at rest

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The internet is to blame for a lot of dogs being passed on or dumped, folk always wanting some kind of super dog like they hear about on the boards ( which is mostly bullshit), not everyone can have the best dog in the world, better than everyone elses. It just doesn't work like that.

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