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Running dog expert Penny Taylor (Skycat)

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People who I would call experts are professionals in a particular field: like good Greyhound vets who specialise in running dogs, though even they aren't infallible as I know from experience: even the

I admire the way Skycat always takes time to write well thought out and sometimes very long replies when asked questions or contributing to a thread.........thats all time and material for an author g

:icon_redface: Stop it you guys! I'm very touched by your nice comments, but seriously, there's plenty of other people like me out there: they just don't write books or go on forums. I just seem to h

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Just realised skycat is a woman. Christ how observant. She is a wealth of knowledge and if she posts on a topic I will read hers before any of the other clowns.


Maybe she could team up with 'dances' and they could bounce their knowledge off each other. Lol



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I.ve met penny first hand very nice woman she helped me out when I was looking for my very first terrier we had a talk, coffie then a walk with her dogs then I went home with one of her terriers Copper you all mite of seen her in the CMW a big thinks to you penny if it was not for you I mite of with a terrier of some peddler


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Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, it's very obvious that some decide to write off certain people just because of their gender. How stupid is that!


As for the CMW, I think all has been said about it, but that mag is here to stay and there will always be people who will buy it for one reason or another.

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I had the same experience with CMW. Once Diamond publishing took over they didn't want "grass roots stuff" as Tracey Allen described it when she approached me to write a few articles. I think Penny Taylor gives you a grass roots reply with the advantage of practical experience, I think she has more common sense and knowledhe than your likely to find at a "look down your nose at you" vet, I have often wondered if i should pm her and ask her if she has experience in the veterniary field given her pratical knowledge. I rate her replies and in depth replies, never questioning only giving. She is a credit to the workong dog world. I have respect for the lady, hard earned.


B :good:

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Both Penny and Andy are very decent people that live for hunting. They have helped me out in a few different ways and I do very much enjoy having a coffee with them and talking dogs. They both have a wealth of experience on dog work/hunting and each from a slightly different angle.


Everybody is entitled to their opinion but I would say; if you have a better idea then put it to Penny, she would most probably be only too willing to listen....

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well i have met Penny and her OH as she calls him :D and what a welcoming set of people they are and penny let my lad takes a piss :yes:

i will ad

she doesn't wear a flowery dress or anything like what most people imagine,

as CMW, i stopped reading that along time ago and went for ANGLERS MAIL, both sacked might i ad :yes:

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So what sort of article would you like to see Headshot? Are you saying that there should be more article on how to go lamping? Or ferreting? People's experiences with young dogs and the mistakes we and they all make?

Personally i would love to open the CMW and see good write ups on all aspects of hunting. Write ups on ferreting trips and different or new equipment on the markets? True, honest acounts to lamping articles and the rising price in puppies and increase in puppy farms similar articles to involve the working lurcher man/women. Another problem in my eyes are the gun write ups or reviews or shotguns or big game rifles pricing at £1000-£20000 this is limited to a certain market and not invloving the working people of today. Ray charles write up on "Stalking Deer" section and not having shot a deer in over 18months is still taking home a pay cheque!



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I've done a lot of articles on ferreting, lamping over the years, and of coursing and digs. The problem is you can't write the same sort of thing all the time, and have to cater for all sorts of tastes. I feel dead guilty writing something that even touches on a subject I've done before, but I guess that the same people don't necessarily buy the CMW year in year out.


Thanks for the suggestions: now that the season is almost upon us again it will be easier to write lamping/ferreting articles, though the ferreting is done to death in the mag, all year round.


Afraid you won't get tales of 50 rabbits on the lamp though. I've never been one for the numbers, and at my age, pushing retirement :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :whistling: I don't have the strength or stamina for all nighters any more: and a long day with the daytime dogs walking deep plough and sticky drilling leaves me crippled for a few days: sad but true. Age is nobody's friend :cry: still less if you work lurchers. I'm determined to do right by the young Airedale lurchers though, if it bloody kills me! Really looking forward to this season more so than for a long time.

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I had the same experience with CMW. Once Diamond publishing took over they didn't want "grass roots stuff" as Tracey Allen described it when she approached me to write a few articles. I think Penny Taylor gives you a grass roots reply with the advantage of practical experience, I think she has more common sense and knowledhe than your likely to find at a "look down your nose at you" vet, I have often wondered if i should pm her and ask her if she has experience in the veterniary field given her pratical knowledge. I rate her replies and in depth replies, never questioning only giving. She is a credit to the workong dog world. I have respect for the lady, hard earned.


B :good:

well said

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So what sort of article would you like to see Headshot? Are you saying that there should be more article on how to go lamping? Or ferreting? People's experiences with young dogs and the mistakes we and they all make?

We all make mistakes. Maybe what we would like is some interaction? I realise how impossible this is in print ( resists legacy media labelling ;) )


How much feedback do you get on your articles? More on RAW feeding ( +one from here ) more on getting hounds work fit? How to deal with breeding? Syndication of litters?


* heads back to the pounds*

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