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Origins and wives tales??


Im sure most have an idea as to the origin of myxi and those that dont surley have been spun a yarn or two and know best because an old gamekeeper told them so!

I have heard a good tale or two as to how it originated and as to how it spreads. A fella the other day was so sure it was all down to the french and they developed it for warfare, he was that adamant i had to just smile politely and agree because he wasnt going to stand any disagreement.

A farmer or two have told me it travels in the wind, this wind must be of an el-ninio type and must blow on certain seasonal cycles.

I have also been asked to get somebody some myxi!?

I have been asked if putting an infected myxi rabbit on some land would it spread to the resident population??


I have certain areas of land i work some miles apart which suffer myxi at different times, normally a couple of years between them, and some land which never secomes to the disease. This year i have seen myxi decimate over a thousand acre of rabbits (but not all) in around 6 weeks.


So where does it come from, in your own opinion not wikipedia's how does it spread? How does it remain within the rabbit population and only emerge at certain times? Does it blow in the wind? Travel on infected flys? Spread by fleas? Mammals feeding on the carcasess? Or is it generic, hereditary?


It would be interesting to put this to bed or have a good laugh hearing what your grandmama would put on it to cure it :laugh:

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I always thought/been told it was man made disease that was introduced into the rabbit population in australia to control numbers.

I always understood it was transmitted through close contact between rabbits in the same way as a cold does with humans although through fleas would make sense as well.


I presume it lies dormant in most rabbits/rabbit populations (or can be carried dormant) but re-emerges when populations in rabbits get to a certain density. I see this in some bits of land where numbers get stupid and then there seems to be an outbreak which knocks the numbers back down (although have no real understanding as to if this is the case or not, just that this is seams to be the case..


any of these correct?

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I can see your thinking behind this but it would have to be one clever disease/virus to come to the conclusion that the rabbit population has come to to a desired level to become active?


as to been man made?

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I had posted it on a recent thread. It was man made, sent to France and they believe sent to England on purpose. It can be spread in liquid form but it is illegal although no one has ever been done for spreading mixy.

I missed your thread, put a link up here please.


So from your post im assuming that most farmers can get it from the agric chemists along with wormer and hoof powder! If your in the know?

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Mixy is viral as i understand it ...and its spread by blood sucking insects and the rabbit flea ..working on the assumption that rabbits live closer together in dense populations so are more suceptable to an infection as opposed to a sparse population. Personally i found it more prevalent in a warm damp summer regardless of population

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I had posted it on a recent thread. It was man made, sent to France and they believe sent to England on purpose. It can be spread in liquid form but it is illegal although no one has ever been done for spreading mixy.

I missed your thread, put a link up here please.


So from your post im assuming that most farmers can get it from the agric chemists along with wormer and hoof powder! If your in the know?



The article link is in my post. I'm not sure how readily avaiable the viral base is to the general public but it would be interesting to find out. :hmm:



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Mixy is viral as i understand it ...and its spread by blood sucking insects and the rabbit flea ..working on the assumption that rabbits live closer together in dense populations so are more suceptable to an infection as opposed to a sparse population. Personally i found it more prevalent in a warm damp summer regardless of population

I have noticed an increased in the fleas this year(probably due to the weather), more so on my ferrets than before so i could go with that as a reasonable answer as to spreading. However it still remains unanswered as to dormancy and the cycle of the disease?

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So then only selected populations of rabbits were initially infected by myxi and the rest was down to insects and man and ferret? Myxi is a like a cold/flu, always there but it only takes the one to get sick and then it spreads?

So how do you explain, if i work my ferrets in a spot prone to myxi and again in a place that dosent get it( not at least within 5yrs) how does it remain dormant? Regardless of the population? Man nor fly isnt spreading it! but yet they will get it sometime or later.


Was it made in australia? Did they find it and develop it? was it found elsewhere? and what the feck have the french got to do with it??


There seems to be a lot of hearsay sourounding this topic but nothing set in stone, who knows for sure?

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So then only selected populations of rabbits were initially infected by myxi and the rest was down to insects and man and ferret? Myxi is a like a cold/flu, always there but it only takes the one to get sick and then it spreads?

So how do you explain, if i work my ferrets in a spot prone to myxi and again in a place that dosent get it( not at least within 5yrs) how does it remain dormant? Regardless of the population? Man nor fly isnt spreading it! but yet they will get it sometime or later.


Was it made in australia? Did they find it and develop it? was it found elsewhere? and what the feck have the french got to do with it??


There seems to be a lot of hearsay sourounding this topic but nothing set in stone, who knows for sure?


Just read some stuff on mixy ..found in urugay in the early 50's ...sent to oz to help clear the population ..results were so amazing it was introduced to france aound 53 ...by hook or by crook it was introduced into this country in the mid 50's..well from what i've seen and i do believe it that the rabbit population is becoming immune to the affects of mixy and some do recover ,,unusually scarred faces ..misshapen heads...one eye to name a few. As for the prevalence and seemingly epidemic proportions in areas and nothing close by ..i really don't know it just seems random at times

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