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what part of lurcherwork appeals to you most?

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I was brought up with lurchers I get a buzz watching them work evern more of a buzz when they catch night or day they keep me fit and out in the countryside I look at my lurcher & terrier as my best friends I can tell them anythink they there for me no matter what when im up or down if you know what I mean that the best think about having dogs without dogs I be depressed

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you dont need a licence to own one there not a dangerous dog most can be trusted, and there fed me for 28 years of and on and had some great days coursing and nites lamping all over and met a few real deals and plenty wannabbes im afraid ,

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i just love running dogs,since i was born they have been around me,and ill have one there the day i die.nothing better than seeing a well conditioned sight hound.striding out out after old long ear.if that sight does not stir you inside,then your a hard man to please.its just sad we are longer able to do it.

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Was bitten by the bug when i first saw a friends whippet work, that was over 50 years ago and i still get the same buzz nowadays. For me the best part of lurcherwork is watching my dogs work as a team both of my dogs have good noses and watching them quarter a field to lift their prey is a great experience. Lamping is great sport very productive, but id rather watch my dogs working the nets and picking off the bolters. On the plus side did you know that owning a dog prolongs your life by 3 years on average. YIS KIC. :thumbs:

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  On 01/09/2011 at 18:02, watchman said:
  On 01/09/2011 at 17:33, mynirvana said:

Was just wondering what draws different people to lurchers and what the do they get from working there dogs. For me its being out with mates enjoying good craic and watching good runs and comparing each others dogs. Obviously i love watching the dog catch but the run to me is more important.


quite the opposite for me in some respects as i mainly lamp alone but from the few i have seen over the years my dogs are more than up to scratch so never been to worried on comparisons,certainly good enough for me anyway,i work long hours so lamping suits my life style.

so i suppose its just the getting out there and doing it,not interested in numbers aint got the land to worry about it anyway so just getting a few runs is all im wanting to see the dog work,dont have to rely on anyone and free to come and go as i please also love the feeling of being out on the shittiest nights when are non hunting companions would not dream of setting foot outside the house,sure we have all had that "your f*****g mad " look from our other halves,and with nothing more than the dog for company you just got to love it :thumbs:

Same as that

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For me, it's coming home at stupid O'clock, freezing cold, piss wet through

with ripped clothing, an empty bag and a limping dog after getting shot at by a keeper. :cray:



No really, just being out there when no one else is and seeing my dogs doing what they are bred for. :yes: :yes: :yes:

Cheers, D.

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I love the country side full stop only jst got in2 lurches recently and love the feeling of,ano it sound a bit gay lyk bt bein at 1 wid the country jst u your dog a lamp on a nite whn widot lurchers ud be tucked up at yam.Cnt fukin beat it ha,alsob keeps us fit and keeps and stps us drinkin and partying 2 mch lol

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Guest annette jackman

watching the dog doing what she does and knowing shes enjoying it, espeically when shes in full run, getting that bit of a buzz at the strike cant beat it. getting out and about for a bit of peace and quiet and fresh air when working ferret, then coming home knackered feeling like ive done something with my day, even if we only have the food for the ferrets for a few weeks.

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