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carcass vs dry food?

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which do you prefer? :hmm: in a "which does the ferret look better condition wise?" mine have only ever really had meat and carcass to eat, they have rabbit, rabbit heads (a particular favourite, and i dont like to waste good food and they strip it down to the skull which is fun to see) all different ages of chickens, old hens, spare cockerels, male chicks, drowned chicks etc, debreasted shot wood pigeons, shot feral pigeons, dead pheasant poults off the road (fresh) and ive even been known to go to the auction and get a massive fat old lop eared pet bunny and giver this to the ferrets, its cheap and when their kits its a easy way to get fat in side of them cheaply, as the fat rabbits insides are coated in fart. and without sounding like a tw4t, ive never personallky seen healthier ferrets, and i think the ferrets enjoy having fun stripping bones etc, more engaging than just eating a biscuit. before anyone says it, i know it sounds a bit scratty, but i put the carcass in at night and simply scrape out the sleeping area in the morning to prevent maggots etc so the hutch is definetly nothing hanging around. my main motivation is price, most of my ferret food is cheap or free and i enjoy the thought of recycling :angel: so which do you prefer? :thumbs:

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ferrets are carnivores and eat meat, they are designed to eat meat, bread is not meat.

to me, the ferrets in my hutch are wild apart from their temperments. and i once read, for us to get the best out of an animal, we must replicate their natural behaviour. now i cant let them run aroun

How long have you been here Craigy ?? and yeh still havnae learned not to listen to Whin !!! hahahahahaha

Both, if its MEGA hot I use dry for obvious reasons but on a night time they always have meat put in.. Pigeon seems to be a particular favourite.. they love a bit of tuna too (when im totally out of meat i mix half a tin of tuna with dry for each hutch (2 ferrets per hutch)).. day old chicks is also a nice treat for them they seem to devour them.


I've never gave them crow/magpie though, I dunno why but I just dont think feeding an animal, an animal that eats another animal can be good.... thats just my preferance though

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Country Joe I feed mine bread and milk about 3 times a week With fresh meat only been doing it fir a couple of months, dad gets a load of bread for the pigs and iv always given it to the young uns so I thought why not ... My ferrets have never looked so good, they probs won't get it in summer tho ;)

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