shane-1 31 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 shane have u still not got whippet traps,,,,i can speak to kirkcaldy commitee,,,as they have spare set ,,,,and see what they want for them,,,i have one off them,, brother has other 3,,,,but there sitting doing nothing and it will probably only cost u fuel money to come and collect ,,,all would fit in transit easy,,,,iam at kirkcaldy next week,,,,i can ask them then,,,,if they want anything for them,,,ill try and get them cheap as feck as they know they probably wont ever get used again ,,,they will probably sit in a shed and never get used again yes mate find out for me please we ave traps but they r not whippet traps greyhound traps i mentioned traps on ere and tat was knocked aswel Quote Link to post Share on other sites
whip x grey 276 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 (edited) lev it with me shane,,,,my family would give u them for nothing,,,,,but i need to check with kirkcaldy club,,,,i know they might want somthing for them,,,as chudlys havent sponcered the scottish champs for 2 years now,,,,,and if they can get £20 - £ 25 a trap it will keep there scottish champs going for another year i,e money for champ jackets but also a very good deal for u ,,,as there new 5 traps cost £800 and extras ++++ magnisted,,,ect if u can get them for petrol money and £20 each ,,,ur quids in as they will last next 50years ,,,these traps were one off the 1st electic traps in the uk,,,still in very good contion,,there is 5 in total,,,but i think one will be kept to school members dogs,,,,but theres 4 that aint gettin used ill try and get them for free,,,as there forgoten about,,,and coud hand them on,,,but i have to do the right thing and ask club 1st ,,,,shame we didnt talk about it when u were across at derby,,iam sure club would have let u go to ireland with them then pic off them Edited September 3, 2011 by whip x grey Quote Link to post Share on other sites
chartpolski 25,123 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 To me, this is all about the difference between a "Non-Ped Whippet" and an "Unregistered Whippet" !! I f the racing was for "un registered Whippets", it should have been for pure bred Whippets; if it was for Non-Ped Whippets, then surely any "Whippet" registered with the BWRA or the NNWRF could enter, no matter if it had Greyhound blood !! So if you were ambiguos with what you advertised, your'e asking for these arguments !! Albert, in a previous post about this subject, I said you were naive where ":Whippets" are concerned; it appears you still are !! A decent "Non-Ped" will easily beat a registered or un-registered Pure bred Whippet. So, depending on EXACTLY how you advertised these races, and the honesty of the owners, then there is no answer to your dilema; except in future to have only KC Whippet racing, (where papers are shown), and under 23" and over 23" Lurcher racing ! Cheers. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
chartpolski 25,123 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 END OFF THE DAY CARTPLOSKIE,,,,BY THE WAY HOW WAS UR HOLIDAY DOWN UNDER ??? BWRA X HARDBLOOD AND COURSING SULKI DOGS ARE SHOWN THE WINDOW ON ( HUNTING LIFE FORUM),,,,,NOT BAD DOGS ,,,JUST MASTERS IN THERE OWN CLASS HATED ,,,,BUT THE BEST AT THERE TRADE The holiday was excellent, did you read the post "hunting down under" and see the pics ? I''m in Malaysia for a few days at the moment, and I'm trying to get someone to take me out pig hunting !! Never miss an opportunity !! LOL !! Cheers. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Leeview 791 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 At the Roscrea Racing Events is it true that the person who signals to the lure driver stands at the side of the track when giving the signal to the lure driver or do they go behind the dogs? Still waiting on a response wat do u want to know this If it is true and i had have been racing, and notcied it, i would have raised it up with the organising club. The person who signals to the lure driver should always be behind the dogs, out of sight and view of those slipping the dogs. and when did u becom the u not think it is the same for them all...wat racing do u run r wat club r u in dazzam I ain't no boss i'm just a humble servant. Of course it is the same for them all but knowing if the person signalling to the lure driver is positioned in view, at the side, can be an advantage. Sorry, i didn't realise you had to be in a club or run races to voice an opinion or to raise something up. Of all the racing i have been at i have yet to see the person signalling to the lure driver not going behind the dogs being slipped, out of view and out of sight. Again you still havn't answered the original question. Darren well u dont atend many racing meetings then for example when a started at the horse races is getting them away where does he signal.. BUT HORSES ARE NOT WAITING FOR A LURE TO MOVE TO CHASE, AND FLAT HORSES START FROM STALLS AND THEY ALL OPEN AT THE SAME TIME TO GIVE EQALITY ....when a ref of it hurling r football does he through the ball in from the front r behind. NEITHER FROM THE SIDE WHERE BOTH PLAYERS CAN SEE THE BALL IF HE THREW IT FROM BEHIND ONE OF THE PLAYERS WOULD HAVE A DISTINCT ADVANTAGE WOULD NT HE? ....a starter of human racing does he signal from front r behind. THE STARTER IS BEHIND THE RUNNERS STEWARD ARE IN FRONT TO MAKE SURE THEY COME UPTO AND NOT BEYOND THE LINE ....when dogs r im slips at the coursing does he signal from the front r behind the slipper WOULD LOVE TO HEAR TOM MURPHY's COMMENT TO ANYONE GETTING IN THE WAY OF HIM SLIPPING/DISTRACTING THE DOGS, AND THE HARE COMES FROM BEHIND HIM UP THE SHUTE i could stay going on and on....u r a bit behind times lad and wat difference does it make were i stand as i said it was the same from them all now like a good lad go away and stop trying to reck the racing and peoples head u dont know wat u r talking about plus u r telling me how to run racing and u never ran an avent yourself for god sake man grow up Y.I.S Leeview Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lurcher330 2,301 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 Listen lurcher330 this is all `handbag` stuff ! I was led to believe that it was okay to run Ernie in the non-ped section, as that is what he is in my eyes. I just wanted to give the old dog a run in a group that seemed to be the correct group on the day. If somebody had come up and said he wasn`t allowed to run, then fine, would have given him a run in the Under 23`. My main interest was the big dogs with Ginger Jack, Ernie came for the day out and he got to run. He hasn`t plundered all the prizes throughout his career as he always ran in the Under 23` class the few times he has competed. He went to Shanes Castle in 2007, only the second show I attended and and he ran in the Whippet class. At the time he was accepted as a Whippet and ran in that competition in good faith. There was no word of KC Whippets, non-ped or anything, just Whippet and in my eyes that was him. However, when he won each of his runs by a distance it was obvious that he shouldn`t have run, but he had been beat out of sight by Miss Tori a few weeks before at his first show. She was 45 lbs, half as big again as him. The Whippet class seemed to be the logical group for him, ie size and weight and was entered in good faith. After this Ernie has never competed against KC Whippets or in Whippet events and in fairness if he`s run at a dozen meetings since then it would be the height of it ! The show in Birr was fairly local to me and Ginger Jack was my main interest on the day, the fact that the entries board said non-ped Whippets meant that Ernie was put in that, once again in good faith, as opposed to running against China and Hugo, big, heavy Under 23 `. The fact the old lad held on to win by a tight length meant more to me than if Ginger Jack had won ! I`m sorry all this has developed into a `slagging match`. In your eyes Ernie is a Under 23`Lurcher/Mongrel and in my eyes and that of his breeders in the UK he is a purpose bred non-ped Racing Whippet. His sire Vivs Quest was a 21 lbs Racing Champion of note, whilst his dam Show Three was a legend of the sport of Non-Ped Whippet Racing in the UK. Who was the only one ever to win the weight group Top Ten and the following year, despite being only 32lbs, took the No Limit Scratch Top Ten and became the overall Scratch Supreme Champion at the National Championships. So the little guy is bred to have some foot. I think we should just all move on and just accept what happened and hopefully learn from it. We can all get a little carried away on the `keyboard` when we see something or when somebody presses on a nerve ! There`s nothing out there now for little Ernie, not that there ever was, that really fell into his category. Too quick fot the Whippets and too small and slow for the top Under 23 `. Plus, age has caught up with him, so he`s gone out on a winning note ! It would be great if the non-ped Whippets like Ernie and Paris could develop over the next few years into their own group, as they are very fast for their size and when running within their own class the level of racing is high, but that`s for another day ! I actually have my name down for a couple of non-ped bitch pups in the UK, but now i`m beginning to think is there a place for them over here ? I hope that`s the end of this `thread `and everybody moves on with no bad feelings.... i`m prepared to do that if others are ? Lurcher330 what`s the Babies name ? If it`s a boy call him Ernie and i`ll forgive you !!!! All joking aside, best of luck in the future ! No bother Martin i wasn't being smart in my first post but ye know how things go and i do appreciate the breeding behind Ernie so no hard feeling ,and the baby is called Conor meaning lover of in hounds in gaelic and the best of luck to you in the future Quote Link to post Share on other sites
up the beam 65 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 To me, this is all about the difference between a "Non-Ped Whippet" and an "Unregistered Whippet" !! I f the racing was for "un registered Whippets", it should have been for pure bred Whippets; if it was for Non-Ped Whippets, then surely any "Whippet" registered with the BWRA or the NNWRF could enter, no matter if it had Greyhound blood !! So if you were ambiguos with what you advertised, your'e asking for these arguments !! Albert, in a previous post about this subject, I said you were naive where ":Whippets" are concerned; it appears you still are !! A decent "Non-Ped" will easily beat a registered or un-registered Pure bred Whippet. So, depending on EXACTLY how you advertised these races, and the honesty of the owners, then there is no answer to your dilema; except in future to have only KC Whippet racing, (where papers are shown), and under 23" and over 23" Lurcher racing ! Cheers. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tomq 30 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 personally i think albert j and the roscea club done a great jobthe raceing was well 0rgnised we enjoyed all thewhippet raceing great idea to have kc whippet and non reg or unped .if i wanted a unped i use artin tucdog .id rather watch whippets race than lurchers might as well go to shelbourne . Quote Link to post Share on other sites
up the beam 65 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 Yes mate I agree with some of what you are saying but not the bit about the papers a whippet should run with whippets wether it is kc registered or not then another separate race for the small lurchers known as non peds then the under 23 as usual and the over 23 as usual and of course the novice race this was a very good idea at birr would like to see more of it Quote Link to post Share on other sites
up the beam 65 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 Sorry my last post was to Reply to chartpolski post Quote Link to post Share on other sites
chartpolski 25,123 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 Wouldn't it be easier if these people just raced their Ped Whippets, Non-Ped Whippets and 31/32% Greyhounds at tracks, out of traps, and left Lurcher racing for Lurchers ????? Cheers. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
AlbertJ 569 Posted September 4, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 4, 2011 To me, this is all about the difference between a "Non-Ped Whippet" and an "Unregistered Whippet" !! I f the racing was for "un registered Whippets", it should have been for pure bred Whippets; if it was for Non-Ped Whippets, then surely any "Whippet" registered with the BWRA or the NNWRF could enter, no matter if it had Greyhound blood !! So if you were ambiguos with what you advertised, your'e asking for these arguments !! Albert, in a previous post about this subject, I said you were naive where ":Whippets" are concerned; it appears you still are !! A decent "Non-Ped" will easily beat a registered or un-registered Pure bred Whippet. So, depending on EXACTLY how you advertised these races, and the honesty of the owners, then there is no answer to your dilema; except in future to have only KC Whippet racing, (where papers are shown), and under 23" and over 23" Lurcher racing ! Cheers. There was an honest attempt at Birr to deal with complaints from KC reg whippet owners about them being disadvantaged . Hence the split. Between registered whippets and non registered whippets. Martin Tucker regarded his dog as a non KC registered whippet. Therefore from my point of view he ran legitimately. If a dog is not registered no matter how experienced a person is in a particular breed they can only give an opinion as to what is in the ancestry of the dog. As I have said one of the first golden retrievers to win the retriever championship had close labrador ancestry. And as someone said on this forum they have a very large KC registered whippet. So unless the whippets are classified by height as Des Mackin suggests this will always be a grey area. Personally I would find it a challenge to run a KC registered dog against a non ped - thats what breeding is al about. In my own breed of golden retrievers a supposed truism was that show bred dpogs couldn't compete with working bred dogs. I did with quite a bit of success. The reverse was also true that working bred goldens couldn't win at shows - again I disproved this too. The time to object about a particular dog running is at the starting line or even after it has run. NOT on a forum several days or weeks later! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
chartpolski 25,123 Posted September 4, 2011 Report Share Posted September 4, 2011 Still not getting it, Albert !! Martin KNOWS FOR A FACT his dog is NOT an "unregistered KC Whippet" It's a "Non-ped Whippet" with pleanty Greyhound blood in it !! A world of difference !! Don't eqate Retreives with Whippets ! Cheers. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted September 4, 2011 Report Share Posted September 4, 2011 lol f**k sake,and heres me thinking it was just greyhound men that bitched about racing Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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