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just got a nice little border bitch need a few questions answering

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hi chaps just got a a crackin little border pup 13 week old im over the moon with her the wife has called her looloo

shes had all jabs

how long before i should get her out arround the woods

is she a bit young to be messing about round rabbits ive shot or should i wait a bit

how old before i let her see rats

are they nomally very calm she seems to watch and study everthing before she does anything but seems very clever not like the terriers my dad had when i was yong they seemed to be mentle and just wanted to smash everything up

is there any problems to look out for other than the normal pup stuff

sorry if these are daft questions but ive not had my own terrier since been about 8 year old and i dont want to feck her up just jumping in both feet first

thanks for any advise




Edited by craig33
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All depends on what you plan working her too.If its just a bushing dog then plod away at the bunnies,but if you want her for diging to then i personally would keep her away from the bunnies,rats no problem but the rabbits are a no.no.JMHO.

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Agree with everything that was said.

Socialise the pup to as many things/places/stock/people as possible for the first few months. (The same as any dog.)

IMO no need for any special training at this stage (up to 6-8 months)but be disciplined with it.

Get her out in the country, not woodland walks or parks but agricultural land. (obtain permissions).

If you come across rabbits and you probably will, do not encourage her.

She will chase them in the open, but keep walking ahead.

If you see a fox in the open , walk over the trail, let her pick up the difference.

If she picks up on the scent, encourage her then, she will get the message over time.

Above all else, get to know a lad in your area that has working terriers.(bushing,ratting or digging)

If you are lucky and he will let you tag along, watch/listen and learn.





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I had borders for years although I now have russells.


What I found was that borders are quite slow to start doing anything (workwise) They watch and seem to take in everything that is going on around them but they will only enter when they are good and ready.


I did have one start bushing, ratting etc at 6 or 7 months but the majority of them were getting on for 12 months before they started doing a bit.


They all got to be very good at what they did but just be prepared to wait until your pup decides she is ready.


Dont try to force her into anything.

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