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Just a few photo's of 'SCRAP' at 10wks old......coming on fine,if not a bit of a schitzo.............










What do you think so far?She loves the BARF......I have been mincing up whole chickens(cheapo's)and adding in a small amount of minced veg,and just today have given her some pieces of beef.I also give her lamb breast bones a couple of times a week.She currently has a weird ear thing going on.....one moment they are fine,and then the next,one or the other will be shooting off at some weird angle(a bit like a whippet).I'm sure it will settle down soon.I'm over the moon with her so far,she has a great temperament with people and young babies,and this morning when I was in the vets having her last jab,she wanted to play with the biggest Lab I have ever seen.She is definitely no shrinking violet.I was in the garden with her the other night when a volley of bangers went off,and she never even batted an eyelid.I'll get some more photo's up later,as she gets older.As I said she had her last jab today,and,I wanted to take her to the Gamefair Sunday,do you think it's a bit soon(it's a long time since I've had a pup).....cheers....Martin.


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You're not 'Topper' Haskins are you?


MARTIN your not supposed to take them out till a few weeks after the last jab.



Spoke to my vet(very good) he said it would be ok.

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Thats a solid little dog mate.........



What game fair in somerset Martin or topper? :)


It's the 'Westcountry Gamefair' at Bath & West Show Ground 17th & 18th of this month.Usually very good.


Cracking looking pup...........and his paws are HUGE!!!!! :icon_eek::laugh:


Yes they are 'HUGE' and she uses them well,I've got holes all over the garden. :clapper:

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