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Still at it, unfortuantely

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  On 31/08/2011 at 22:46, secretagentmole said:
  On 31/08/2011 at 22:41, Baghdadnights said:
  On 31/08/2011 at 22:38, andyfr1968 said:
  On 31/08/2011 at 22:33, Baghdadnights said:

So that's the other foot shot then.

The brothers grim do keep us entertained though with there cunning plans to make us think we have them all wrong, they really are saints you know

Atb Kev


A bit off topic this, but those really are a smashing pair of noorks on your avatar!! :laugh::thumbs::icon_redface:

Just hope they ain't Kev's....


Well I'm up for it if they are!! :laugh:

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Read the first post, I said David and Steven Graham, listing David first, I also provided you with enough information for you to gather evidence to look at to prove how Steven has scammed members on h

once a thief always a thief IMO   Jamie

Countrybloke, until you've stated where you're from I don't think you'll get any credability on here.

  On 31/08/2011 at 22:55, andyfr1968 said:
  On 31/08/2011 at 22:47, Baghdadnights said:

Hate this new setup everytime I try and reply with quote from me phone just posts the quote

Yes mate they were a fantastic pair too play with sadly no longer with me Andy

Atb Kev


I'm sorry to hear that, Kev, but it all happens for a reason :thumbs:


Have you still got her number?? :laugh:


I'll get me coat.... :icon_redface:


No matter how hard you try they won't fit in your coat pocket....

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  On 31/08/2011 at 23:09, secretagentmole said:
  On 31/08/2011 at 22:55, andyfr1968 said:
  On 31/08/2011 at 22:47, Baghdadnights said:

Hate this new setup everytime I try and reply with quote from me phone just posts the quote

Yes mate they were a fantastic pair too play with sadly no longer with me Andy

Atb Kev


I'm sorry to hear that, Kev, but it all happens for a reason :thumbs:


Have you still got her number?? :laugh:


I'll get me coat.... :icon_redface:


No matter how hard you try they won't fit in your coat pocket....


Trust me, Mike. I'll find a coat with big enough pockets :thumbs::laugh:

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Awwfor for sucks fake is there no end to this Graham Bros Bollocks? Amazes me how they are constantly doing their damndest best to fake-up third persons to "speak up" how nice and contrite they are.


I once had a long and meaningfull open chat with Steve Graham here in which he made all the usual pleas of innocence and it's all a big misunderstanding blah blah.


I told him if this was so, he should get on here and fess up and set the record straight. I think Webby might remember this as he gave him an encouraging word too. He did nothing of anything to help himself. Despite all his assurances.




If ANYONE, BUT ANYBODY comes on here with concilliatory notes of how nice, sweet and innocent and misunderstood Steve Graham is, it's another set of the Graham's lies and crap attempts at recovering creditable character on an airgun forum.


All I can say is the so-called Graham's Roofing Business must have run out of old age pensioners to terrify into parting with their savings for roof repairs that aren't needed in the first place.

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  On 01/09/2011 at 07:32, pianoman said:

Awwfor for sucks fake is there no end to this Graham Bros Bollocks? Amazes me how they are constantly doing their damndest best to fake-up third persons to "speak up" how nice and contrite they are.


I once had a long and meaningfull open chat with Steve Graham here in which he made all the usual pleas of innocence and it's all a big misunderstanding blah blah.


I told him if this was so, he should get on here and fess up and set the record straight. I think Webby might remember this as he gave him an encouraging word too. He did nothing of anything to help himself. Despite all his assurances.




If ANYONE, BUT ANYBODY comes on here with concilliatory notes of how nice, sweet and innocent and misunderstood Steve Graham is, it's another set of the Graham's lies and crap attempts at recovering creditable character on an airgun forum.


All I can say is the so-called Graham's Roofing Business must have run out of old age pensioners to terrify into parting with their savings for roof repairs that aren't needed in the first place.

its feckin painfully transparent "i would would just like to say on my forum that i am keepin a secret that steve is the most honest guy i have ever met in the whole wide world its his bro that is the bad guy bla bla bla" i was on the fence with all this untill the sob story using his daughter to try an squeeze money out of forum members ( which amounted to a begging letter) buster had his number from day one and in the start i thought he was beeing a bit harsh! which just goes to show how easily you can be misled when reading text on a computer you build up a picture of someone based on nothing more than a few strokes of a keybord. every one can talk the big one from the safety of thier laptop! when in real life they probably dont amount to much. this has been an eye opener for me.

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  On 01/09/2011 at 08:23, fry said:
  On 01/09/2011 at 07:32, pianoman said:

Awwfor for sucks fake is there no end to this Graham Bros Bollocks? Amazes me how they are constantly doing their damndest best to fake-up third persons to "speak up" how nice and contrite they are.


I once had a long and meaningfull open chat with Steve Graham here in which he made all the usual pleas of innocence and it's all a big misunderstanding blah blah.


I told him if this was so, he should get on here and fess up and set the record straight. I think Webby might remember this as he gave him an encouraging word too. He did nothing of anything to help himself. Despite all his assurances.




If ANYONE, BUT ANYBODY comes on here with concilliatory notes of how nice, sweet and innocent and misunderstood Steve Graham is, it's another set of the Graham's lies and crap attempts at recovering creditable character on an airgun forum.


All I can say is the so-called Graham's Roofing Business must have run out of old age pensioners to terrify into parting with their savings for roof repairs that aren't needed in the first place.

its feckin painfully transparent "i would would just like to say on my forum that i am keepin a secret that steve is the most honest guy i have ever met in the whole wide world its his bro that is the bad guy bla bla bla" i was on the fence with all this untill the sob story using his daughter to try an squeeze money out of forum members ( which amounted to a begging letter) buster had his number from day one and in the start i thought he was beeing a bit harsh! which just goes to show how easily you can be misled when reading text on a computer you build up a picture of someone based on nothing more than a few strokes of a keybord. every one can talk the big one from the safety of thier laptop! when in real life they probably dont amount to much. this has been an eye opener for me.


It is usually put up about Steve Graham being such a misunderstood man when someone comes up with an alert on a new ID they are using, scam they are running and/or a new email address they are using.


Edited to add that at least one of them seems to have discovered a spell checker now, either that or the phone they are posting from has predictive text input... Also that they are desperate to get my phone numbers, which I am not giving them to dole out to their ripped off customers!

Edited by secretagentmole
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yeah there is a big improvement in the spelling, but no improvement in the shallow stupidity do they really think that other people are as stupid as them! it just baffles me that they keep coming back with new id s. i thought the law had been involved? which sums up how effective the law is in this sort of matter or rioting come to that! the police have obviously chose not to bother with a long series of blatent scams and frauds even though it has been reported and is childs play to prove. and yet on another section of this forum we are being told to phone in our where abouts when doing nothing illegal at all???? it loses me along the way some where it really does.

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You can't help it Fry. I phone in to make sure I do not get disturbed. However when someone has been ripped off, the person doing the scamming has admitted it in court, on the record, made reparations, the police view the matter as over.


However the fools doing the scamming keep on. With the paper trail and evidence being gathered you would have thought they would have arrested them by now and if not locked them up at least banned them from the internet (such court orders are possible).


However as usual the law seems more to side with the criminal than it does with the victims In the good old days (70s and early 80s), a group may well have gone round there and given the pair a good lump induction session, if they ran crying to the police and they found out what had happened it would be patiently explained to them that they were still breathing, they should think themselves lucky and if they want hassle press on and get arrested for theft first, shred your characters before your prosecution is dealt with.


These days so much as threaten them with a good clogging and they can run to the police crying foul, oh woe is me I am so scared and the police will start threatening you! You really cannot make it up!

Edited by secretagentmole
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the riot results summed things up really the only shops, business s and roads not wrecked where the ones where the people got together and actively defended themselves. the sikhs have the rght idea instead of cross s or stars as religeous symbols they have a variety of swords and battle axes!

COME AND HAVE A LOOT IF YOU THINK YOUR HARD ENOUGH.article-2024358-0D5EFEA800000578-806_964x632-1.jpg

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what a pair, and i dont just mean the norks on kev's avatar(yum!!). i cant really see the police taking any action in the immediate future cos 1) theyre understaffed and overworked etc, and 2) to most coppers airgunners are a bunch of kids playing with popguns so we're not gonna figure too highly on their 'things to bust' list unless we're shooting illegally or irresponsibly, in which case they'll be round in no time at all...

its no good threatening the dynamic duo with a kicking either cos as moley so rightly points out that'll just get the would-be-kicker nicked. the best that can be done is to warn one and all as soon as they surface- nice one there by the way mr. mole.


i'm still smarting cos i sent the twat an old smk for his daughter...


cheers, wurz

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