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I always walk mine never ever drove round permission. I try get a 12 mile ride in everyday and lamp 2 - 3 times a week n good 6 hr sessions maybe shorter if summit happens but thats [bANNED TEXT] i try do. But in the real worl not here u cant always do that because of commitments : work, family, un-expected stuff etc

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always walk the dogs and hunt them love to see the we dogs working wish i could get out more but working 6 days aweek just now hopefully the work will get slower in the winter months still a bit early yet and a bit warm for running the dogs to hard done about 20 miles so far after work atb

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plenty of miles getting him fit, dog had a run in with something he shouldnt of other evening though and it ripped his ear so waiting for that to heal up a good bit, got two weeks off over next month so should get a good bit more done by then

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its not the walking of the dog that is my concern,its the f*****g hassle of finding a time where the idiots with thier untrained mutts is the prob.its ok when i get to where im going.its getting there is the prob


can you not bike?

at least you'd be on the road then.


im just taking the lurcher for 30 mins twice a day,sometimes for a run,im starting a new job next week which will be 60 hours a week nights and days so i dont think im goin to have much of a season this year.

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Guest born to run1083

I don't gauge my exercise by miles I judge by the work load they get, around by me a mile is hard work up and down the mountains and vallies around here, I tend to spend around 4 hours a day out with them and let them do the rest so to speak.

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