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Pest control and failing mole traps

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i used to use nothing but duffus because they work, however in very dry conditions , the talpex work , i have also bin playing with the trapline type with good success, if i was setting hundreds like

Moley, I use duffus but my strike rate is poor. I put a old roof tile over the hole rather than filling it in. I have had some very shy moles in the past who seem to take ages to catch. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? Prices are tight and I hate having to go back 4 or 5 times to catch a little mole!!!


why put a roof tile over the hole,,, thats going to stop the trap firing properly

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I would highly recommend that video--probably the best mole trapping video I have seen anywhere. You have someone who trapped moles for a living for many years really laying out the details of how to do it right. And those details are important. The information about how to properly modify and tune the Duffus traps is extremely valuable to anyone who really wants to trap moles efficiently with that trap. Really interesting to see the author at work. I really enjoyed it.

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I would highly recommend that video--probably the best mole trapping video I have seen anywhere. You have someone who trapped moles for a living for many years really laying out the details of how to do it right. And those details are important. The information about how to properly modify and tune the Duffus traps is extremely valuable to anyone who really wants to trap moles efficiently with that trap. Really interesting to see the author at work. I really enjoyed it.

out of interest steve,there sure to be professional mole trappers in the states as your selfe.have they ever conciderd the duffer/half barrel trap as a worth while trap or stuck with some of the traps you got there .i think when it comes o mole catching we got it sorted myselfe,thik you guys been let down with some of them monster traps you had avaiable to you in the past.

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As far as I can tell, there are no significant sales of Duffus type mole traps in the states. And I agree with you that in general, your mole traps in the UK are much superior to our mole traps here in the US. Our spear type traps are a complete waste of time, in my opinion--catching a mole with them is a major accomplishment. Our "out-o-sight" mole traps are actually a very good trap, similar to the Talpex, but the traps need quite a bit of tuning to be effective. Right out of the box, they don't work very well. But if you do tune them up properly, they are a very effective trap.


I don't think the Duffus and the Talpex are perfect traps either, but I do think they are superior to what is most commonly sold in the US. But of course I like the fact that we have some really bad mole traps on the market here, as it's pretty easy for me to out compete them with the Trapline traps that I manufacture.

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so what would you do to the duffus then steve if it was your job to turn it from an unideal trap to a good one,a tried and tested trap..... i know.. there are big changes to be made but what would they be. what would you do to a profesional mole catchers tool to make it better

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Well, I really have very little experience with the Duffus trap, though I own some from a few different manufactures, and I have caught moles in them. But there are others on this board who are much more qualified to talk about what might be needed to perfect that trap.

ok steve thanks for that. just thought as a leading maufacturer of mole traps, and a trapper yourselfe who said the duffers aint a perfect,, trap.etc was just looking for some input on what the best traps may be. so as you say thete others on here more qualified to judge and talk about the half barrel steve.. thanks,,,,,,,, logun

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For professional mole trappers, I think it's actually a good thing that some of the traps require adjustments and tuning to really work well. If the traps worked well right out of the box, more homeowners and gardeners would trap the moles themselves. The fact that some knowledge and experience are needed to use the traps effectively works to the advantage of the professional trappers.


But it would be interesting to have a topic on what the "perfect" mole trap would look like.

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