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Pest control and failing mole traps

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i used to use nothing but duffus because they work, however in very dry conditions , the talpex work , i have also bin playing with the trapline type with good success, if i was setting hundreds like

If someone accidentally spilled diesel on some of your traps and didn't tell you, is it possible to clean them off?


I have seen mole traps used when reeking of diesel and they have still caught moles. I would just clean them off and not worry about it too much! Good luck.

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Well, even after watching that fourteenacre dvd and washing my traps and doing everything right, I put some more traps down on Friday, went back this morning, 3 new hills! :icon_redface:

Are you using Talpa mole traps they seem to do the job for me, pretty much a catch everytime.

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Well, even after watching that fourteenacre dvd and washing my traps and doing everything right, I put some more traps down on Friday, went back this morning, 3 new hills! :icon_redface:

the film that you seen is a real account of how it should be.it a pros view on how it is, not a way that you should do it but i would follow if unsure,, all that shit about scent etc is true. your catch rate will increase if you trapps dont smel of smells etc.. nd thats a fact,,, others on here got they own views and oppinions on such maters etc and traps can and do catch from new etc.. moley film .take advise from it and you not go far wrong compared to some of the shit others may tell you on her :thumbs:

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Steve and Logan, I agree that the Duffus can be a very effective trap for moles,but ive felt for a long time now,that if a manufacturer could reduce the length of this type of trap,this would be beneficial.I admit to having no idea whether this would be possible!

think about it,?? the length of the trap dont matter,, its the distance between between trigger and hoop that matters !! but yes two inches smaller and a bit narrower be good ;)

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Steve and Logan, I agree that the Duffus can be a very effective trap for moles,but ive felt for a long time now,that if a manufacturer could reduce the length of this type of trap,this would be beneficial.I admit to having no idea whether this would be possible!

think about it,?? the length of the trap dont matter,, its the distance between between trigger and hoop that matters !! but yes two inches smaller and a bit narrower be good ;)

Do you fine tune the barrel trap by bending the triggers towards the killing hoops?

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Steve and Logan, I agree that the Duffus can be a very effective trap for moles,but ive felt for a long time now,that if a manufacturer could reduce the length of this type of trap,this would be beneficial.I admit to having no idea whether this would be possible!

think about it,?? the length of the trap dont matter,, its the distance between between trigger and hoop that matters !! but yes two inches smaller and a bit narrower be good ;)

Do you fine tune the barrel trap by bending the triggers towards the killing hoops?

i do f**k all.. im a bricklayer who only lays bricks ;)

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