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driving the feilds

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Was drivin the fields in the early 90,s when hardly anyone else was at it..we never crashed a hedge..snapped a lock..or robbed anything...if we couldnt get in the game was left for another day. Actual

It's just like EVERYTHING else, it's not black and white, there is a good way and a bad way of doing the same thing. Some folk are just wankers and whatever they do they manage to act like a fecking k

The numbers, kill crazy drivers aren't real hunters, and I doubt they even care if they destroy anything in their path, nor do they care if they wipe out a population of animals in an area: bring back

Well, i can only speak about my county Lincolnshire, in recent years people driving the land have brought it all on top and this has increased media and police attention and is fecking the game, just mho............

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i think its fcuking the game right up ,and making it harder for descent lads 2 get land ,i also think that their dogs are not doing the real deal has they have acisst of the moter instead of running the quarry from the off a useing field graft ,and i agree with simo the atteion is causing the crackdowns plus dog lads on the rob from farms and so on

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I got the promise of 5,000 acres of permission near Grantham last year, the day before i was due to go and have a look i spoke to my friend who said all the permission had been revoked as straw finally broke the camels back, they were fed up of lads driving the fields, leaving carcasses, broken gates, stealing cherry from the tanks and finally the theft of three tractors...........Some lads who drive the land have respect, others are just theives with dogs.......

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I got the promise of 5,000 acres of permission near Grantham last year, the day before i was due to go and have a look i spoke to my friend who said all the permission had been revoked as straw finally broke the camels back, they were fed up of lads driving the fields, leaving carcasses, broken gates, stealing cherry from the tanks and finally the theft of three tractors...........Some lads who drive the land have respect, others are just theives with dogs.......

absolutely spot on there feller hit the nail on the head

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It's not just driving the fields that's f*****g it up it's the damage caused by driving through fences..damaging crops..scaring the livestock.. And I've found that the boys who do drive the fields do it for the jolly up more than the actual running of their dogs.

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