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DVD's videos and books

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as title what ferret based dvds videos and books do people recommend to watch and read got some nights coming up at work and need something to do during the late hours.

mick mansbridge and edd cook also simon whitehead have some good ferreting dvds out

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Can anyone help me with a fistful of ferrets, and a few ferrets more?, I recently swopped a Terrier book on here for the essential guide ferreting book, by simon whitehead, I have read a few, on the night shift, and it is probably the best.

didn't enjoy rabbiting man 1 where his mate tries to despatch rabbits with rabbit punches.not the way to do it.

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Can anyone help me with a fistful of ferrets, and a few ferrets more?, I recently swopped a Terrier book on here for the essential guide ferreting book, by simon whitehead, I have read a few, on the night shift, and it is probably the best.

didn't enjoy rabbiting man 1 where his mate tries to despatch rabbits with rabbit punches.not the way to do it.

i ordered my dvds of the internet last year at £20 pound each :thumbs: yea mate that whitehead books a brilliant read :yes: its a cracking ferreting dog in the rabbiting man it been taught well :thumbs:

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as you say cant beat getting out and learning but need something to read or watch while on nights so far tied me some more nets and made up a bigger box re rigged some of me purse nets running out of things.

Your post brings back happy memories, when I worked nights on a ward, I used to knit my nets, one ward I worked in had a really long corridor which I decided would be fine for repairing my long net, got caught by night admin, and had quite a bit of explaining, managed to escape with a warning, different now days.

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