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Dogs ill anyone seen this before

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I had a sfaff with exactly the same systoms, could not even stand up, when he tried to he collasped under his own weight. He had picked up a virus, rushed him to vets, dog very dehydrated, was told if I left him over nite, he would of been dead in morning. Dog would not even eat chicken. 2 years ago, cost me £76 , he had injection was given tablets to fight infection. Also got some fluids in to dog. With in 3 days right as rain, back to his old self. Vets asap if you think any thing of the dog. Hope all goes well.

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Well said

Not long back his temp is really high so that might be why he was wobbling about and acting odd.Hes had a full panel of blood done and will get the results tommorow his kc was normal so no internal bleeding or trauma.This is my big black dog and nothing puts him down or off his food either but he came home and ate some chicken and pasta and most importantly drank water.Theyve given us a loan of a cool jacket for him to cool him down a bit apparently feeling cold can be a sign of a raised temp in dogs.Will know more tommorow but hes back in 2 days anyway for a check and to get another jab of antibiotics.Lucky enough hes insured but vets only took £80 didnt charge for a consult fee just the bloods and the meds So will sit up with him tonight and keep an eye on him just to be on the safe side.

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every time your dogs are ill or attacked you come on here spouting about it!! ffs get it to a vet instead of trying to work out whats wrong yourself!


I was only asking if anyone had heard of it before the vets today had several rtas a mastiff that had a stroke and various others and thats when we got there so clearly they were busy and needed to prioritise the more serious cases.

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He hasn't picked up some poison and haemorraged internally has he mate? hope he's ok, get him to the vet.


Best of luck



i thought poision or a sting .. my neighbours dog had problems after a bee sting ..
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i have seen this before rat poison the aintidote is vitimen k1 .I lost a dog to this 25 years ago.Water make the poisoin work quicker. needs a jag of k1 ie carratine .My vet done the bloods ect but it was too late..Tell the vet you think it rat poison the antidote wont harm the dog if its not.If the dog wants water all the time and starts holding it neck up ect high temp/ falling about poision .Hope you read this in time

Edited by deathsquad
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I thought poison as well but he hasnt been near anything hasnt even raided the bin or anything.Hes back in 2 days so they can double check his temps came down which i can say it must have cos his gums are pink again and hes eaten a few small meals and been drinking.His rear end was fine as well which threw me cos usually a sick dog doesnt crap normally but hes strange.He looks a lot better this morning he slept with me on the couch all night didnt move an inch still a bit out of sorts but nothing like yesterday hes not wobbling around anymore either so fingers crossed.Hes insured anyway so he always gets the very best the vet has to offer i dont even have an excess so the vets been told to give him the best of everything on all the dogs cos its unlimited treatment under my policy.Personally i expected a lot more of a bill than £80 considering its a full blood panel theyre doing but they have their own in house lab so its quicker and cheaper that way i would guess.Thanks to those that helped and the pms it was much appreciated just glad hes up and about now my backs aching carrying him and ive got a few meetings and stuff today so leaving him in Andys capable hands Hes on chicken and pasta for the next few days just to be cautious and keep him sweet she had mentioned hes hard to diagnose being a very stoic dog and not giving much away pyhsically or mentally he doesnt really like most bull xs show pain but will up date once i find out the results of these bloods today

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