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Fox callers

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Is anyone using electronic calls? Or what do you prefer to use?

i dont do much foxing but was out with some mates acouple

of weeks a go they had like tape recorder thing it worked a treat they

came in like collies :laugh:


Is it a home made device? What call is it like is it a rabbit squeal or a fox bark?

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Is anyone using electronic calls? Or what do you prefer to use?

i dont do much foxing but was out with some mates acouple

of weeks a go they had like tape recorder thing it worked a treat they

came in like collies :laugh:


Is it a home made device? What call is it like is it a rabbit squeal or a fox bark?


ya you could go that route but ud have to carry speaker lol ya iv had one for a while this season was ver effective on even the shyist of foxes and by fu*k was it loud it also did crow woodcock and s few other calls! :victory:

thats the one do no who makes thow

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use d them in the feild while calling foxes in and for coyotes , found an old vinyl record with all sorts on it rabbit sqeels hare cry and fox barks ,coyotes calling pretty good im going to tape afew all the best

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i use a mp3 player and a little speaker set up, cost? £20 in total, any good? yes so far, just getting the right sounds together ;)

isnt this in the wrong section?


Where did u get the sound for the mp3 player from? could you pass it on?

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Have used a lot of calls over the years my hand polysteryne on glass kids toy whistle from that austrailian fella

Best of all bought from target sports of bolton Dennis kirk tape can put the lot on your belt not that heavy put the speaker on the ground about 50 yards from you knock it on and wait for charlie ,if he is about he will come to this.Giving the tape to my boy to encourage him he loves fox calling and I am upgrading buying the cd player £200 with cd. From my point of view x 4 Lambs :victory:

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Have used a lot of calls over the years my hand polysteryne on glass kids toy whistle from that austrailian fella

Best of all bought from target sports of bolton Dennis kirk tape can put the lot on your belt not that heavy put the speaker on the ground about 50 yards from you knock it on and wait for charlie ,if he is about he will come to this.Giving the tape to my boy to encourage him he loves fox calling and I am upgrading buying the cd player £200 with cd. From my point of view x 4 Lambs :victory:


Could you pass on the music file via email?

it wud be much appreciated if you could pm if you want.


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  • 4 weeks later...

whens the best time of year to use the vixen bark, dog fox bark and the cub barks, also is the crow noise just for calling crows or does work on fox aswell, and on the call master digi fox caller what numbers are what calls just got one and can make a few of them out but others sound very similar, and i didnt get any instructions with it either which was a bit strange.

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