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dead rabbit..

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whilst out this morning i found a dead rabbit. thought it would do for the ferrets as it was still warm when i found it but just starting to stiffen up but dont think i will now. anyway it was on a public footpath and just on its side not with its legs out-streched just normal i guess. had a feel over it and couldnt feel anything apart from this little scab



it seems like its healed up from what ever happened as its starting to come off. the only other damage i could see on it was that someones gone and peirced its ears but doubt that would that kill it??







something else i noticed was there was 2 more rabbits in the cover close by...bareing in mind its right next to path its unusual to find 1 in there nevermind 2. the belly of the rabbit was a little bit dusty but the path is like this. thought that someones dog may have caught it then the owner just left it there hoping it would be ok but there wasnt any fur that was wet or stuck together with the dog slobber.

spoke to my mate yesterday and he said there was 3 people lamping up about 200yds from were i found this but said he couldnt tell if they had a dog or gun. could be lead poisoning then but how quickly does that kill?? only seen one over like this and that was in the middle of a feild.


any ideas as to what it could be??



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as much as i hate skinning i did it and couldnt find any major abnormalities. there was this wound, perhaps old pellet hole??




there was this thing near the shoulder/neck area.




everything else seemed fine but when i trod on the skin and pulled (hoping to skin its head) it gave way on the shoulder are....as you can see in the pic...never had that before. the neck has snapped and come off but never by there.



there was plenty of this black suff too...just looks like clotted blood to me but there seemed more of it in one clump so thought i better mention it.




again in the heart there was more of this black stuff...also the heart had one side soft and the other was quite hard :hmm:




liver seems big and healthy.




so did the lungs mostly but there were some areas with slight colour differences (darker patches) as you can see from the picture.



any ideas??

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couldnt use scatter guns round here millet, too noisy for the area plus the feild is surounded by either paths houses or roads. perhaps shot with a pellet rifle but why was it on the path. surely it would go seek cover or get too ground. no stress round the neck. usually if the kneck gone and you try and skin it like i did it gives at the kneck. that mark (the first pic i posted) was in the chest so could of been a low shot but looks like it healed up, yet i found it warm :blink:

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did you open up its stomach to see what it had eaten before death????


had there been a cheese, and a ham toasted sarnie,


it would seem it died off.....






















wait for it.......






















mixing me toasties (mixy)



ok, but the old ones are the best...

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did you open up its stomach to see what it had eaten before death????


had there been a cheese, and a ham toasted sarnie,


it would seem it died off.....


Oh the old ones are the best :laugh::laugh::laugh:






















wait for it.......






















mixing me toasties (mixy)



ok, but the old ones are the best...

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