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i was reading on hear the other day that hares dont like wet

ground.this winter has been the wettest i can remember.

now there is a lot of hares around here and isearched

every where for them dry ground high ground but was

just seeing the odd one or two then a boy told me that

the constant wet causes liver fluke and my heart

sank.anyway this continued all winter as ido stay

in thewettest part of the country then it dried up for

about aweek and they just seemed to come out the

wood work i was over the moon :D but were they

went is a mystery?would they lie in realy big conifer

woods in these conditions?

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Personaly,...I like hunting them out of rough cover and woodland brash,... ;)


Flushing to the gun...




belting dog mate. :clapper: ive been hunting for 25 years mate and iknow

where to find them just werent there scary stuff :icon_eek:

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Some hares love forestry and will lay up their all day only venturing out for a feed from dusk till dawn some dont even do that prefering to stay in the woods and feed on the rides. some of the wood hares near me make some huge size i would have bet dollars to diamonds thats where they have been during the wet.Hares are bucking now so they are on the move a lot more. and are easier to spot with the sun we have been getting they tend to sit up higher in their seats

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Some hares love forestry and will lay up their all day only venturing out for a feed from dusk till dawn some dont even do that prefering to stay in the woods and feed on the rides. some of the wood hares near me make some huge size i would have bet dollars to diamonds thats where they have been during the wet.Hares are bucking now so they are on the move a lot more. and are easier to spot with the sun we have been getting they tend to sit up higher in their seats

around herethere are alot of thick wooded areas iknow they can get abit scarce in

wet weather but never like this where its not unusual to see 6 in the small fields

around here

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Guest Frank

Seen 6 the other morning as i came over a small hill, right in front of me, i stood watching them for a wee while, they are so mad now, they nearly come up to you and say hello. :D

Nice to see them about. ;)


CHALKWARREN, thats what i would call, honey and toast. :clapper::drink:



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