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new lurcher

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well my mate rang me up a week ago and said he had had a lurcher dropped on him that ws going to be dummped and that he needed to pass it on as he didnt have kennel room any ways I was a bit apprehensive to say the least but I agreed to give him a try as I had to let my lurchers go a couple of years ago as me and the mrs were put in a flat temperarily now 2 years later we are now back in a house and I have a kennel built and had been looking at getting myself anouther lurcher at some point so the lurcher I now own is deerhoundxsuluki x bedlingtonxgrey he is 9month old and as he has already been passed on I thought he was going to be a lost cause but to my surprise he is 100% stock broke this was the first thing I wanted to check, I tried him on the lamp last night just for a walk more than anything I gave him 3 runs(they were rather in his favour) and he picked up 2 out of the 3 retrieved them back to hand and lamps off the lead so I rang my mate up and asked why the dog was dummped as he seems spot on and he said he had had a few nights out on the lamp and was doing well but he doesnt jump(wich I had picked up on) so its back to basics and in the last couple of days he is doing small fences so I think with a bit of confidence and time he will make a bloody good dog slow and steady paves the way, but it shocks me at what little set backs people are willing to give up on a dog for rather than try to sort it after raising it from 8weeks to 9month then to just disgard it at the first hurdle well he has a good home now and its his last.


will add some pics tommorow.

Edited by ulverston moocher
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some people dont want to put the time and effort in. they just want them up and running then expect them to be world beaters. which is a shame.theres many a good potential pup passed on by being in the wrong hands.i hope the pup does well for you and the best of luck with him. :thumbs:

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Great to hear you helped out the dog why dump a dog cos it won't jump it's not hard to teach it too it takes some time and effort it's just lazy ffs


Glad you helped it out mate good on you and can't wait to see some pics

atb mate


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Guest joball

Nothing better than turning a dog that gets past about with no faith in it into a grafter and watching people faces drop lol, similar situation with my old dog, good on you mate hope he makes a good un for you alb al

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