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Advice needed on electric colars

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Hi to all the experts here lads.


Newly converted to lurcher hunting/lamping and must say it is a great buzz to be out with the dog.was a shooter before but this is way better.I have a 18 month old lurcher pup that i am in the middle of trying to training/running.My problem is this, she will catch a rabbit and bring it to within 10 feet of me and then no closer, i know you are not supposed to go to the dog as she thinks this is a game, so i have tried the ignoring bit and waiting till she gets fed up, problem is this, she then starts to eat the rabbit.

I was thinking of buying an electric collar to try to get her to drop the rabbit,I am not looking for perfection in that i want her to bring it to my hand,i just want her to stop eating it and leaving it.have i left it too late for this or am i doomed.?


grateful for all the help/ advice.



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No dont do that mate. You need to go back to basics and work on your retreive. If the dog brings a rabbit back live and you shock it with the collar it will drop the rabbit and it will run off and the dog wont no what the hell is going on. No need for a shock collar at all just put some more time into your basics.

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If it won't bring the rabbit to hand turn around and walk away for 5 mins ..turn round and call it in close ..it'll soon get the message ..and if it doesn't 10 feet is better than 10 yards and running off

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Thanks Davie

I have been doing the dummy testing, she will bring this back to me eventually but she gets bored after 2 times and shows no interest in it the third time.

thats good mate if she brings a dummy back try giving her some cut up bits of chicken etc she will get the idea of what you want from her.then try her with a rabbit skin then when you have her out lamping still give her a treat when she brings the rabbit back she will get the idea mate.

best of luck with it.

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Hi to all the experts here lads.


Newly converted to lurcher hunting/lamping and must say it is a great buzz to be out with the dog.was a shooter before but this is way better.I have a 18 month old lurcher pup that i am in the middle of trying to training/running.My problem is this, she will catch a rabbit and bring it to within 10 feet of me and then no closer, i know you are not supposed to go to the dog as she thinks this is a game, so i have tried the ignoring bit and waiting till she gets fed up, problem is this, she then starts to eat the rabbit.

I was thinking of buying an electric collar to try to get her to drop the rabbit,I am not looking for perfection in that i want her to bring it to my hand,i just want her to stop eating it and leaving it.have i left it too late for this or am i doomed.?


grateful for all the help/ advice.



in situations where the mutt is stopping short of coming all the way into you,,the answer usually lies somewhere in the relationship between both of you,

sometimes if the dog has been corrected in or around your personal space, it will leave a block in how the dog sees that space around you,

you'll notice if the dog wont make contact when your out on a day to day basis,

dont tell him off for jumping up,in fact teach the dog to jump up on command,it eases his fears of contact

hand feed while out ,throw a handful of dry food into your pocket,and feed him out getting plenty of contact,

and tug items are terrific for bringing a dog into your space while in drive,,

no point shocking the mutt,,work on the bond,,best of luck

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Have tried the walking away thing too and she runs ast me with rabbit in mouth and impossible to catch her.then she will start eating the rabbit and only by sneaking up on her can i get it off her.

its all part of training a dog stick with it she will get the hang of it and all the time you have put in will be worth it.when you have her out and she stops 10 feet away with the rabbit is there any other dogs out with you.

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casso, strange you mentioned this,

i do stop her jumping up at me as I have 2 small girls and didnt want her to being jumping on them and possibly knocking them and then they would be afraid of her.looks like i have a lot to do and afraid i am not the most patient or any good when it comes to this.might have to get some outside help for this,any trainer in cork to help with this in the personal touch ?

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casso, strange you mentioned this,

i do stop her jumping up at me as I have 2 small girls and didnt want her to being jumping on them and possibly knocking them and then they would be afraid of her.looks like i have a lot to do and afraid i am not the most patient or any good when it comes to this.might have to get some outside help for this,any trainer in cork to help with this in the personal touch ?

the only thing about trainers of non working dogs,they will all try preventing the mutt jumping up,seems to be the thing to do,,but working dogs need to be able to come into your space without fear,,get plenty of contact from the dog again, it wont happen overnight but it will get better in time,

hand feeding ,and tugging items in your space help, big time,,you can ease those fears again in the dog,just got to believe you can ,dogs are very forgiven,,

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