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A Good Pellet for both my Falcon & Weihrauch?

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Hello All,


I have a Falcon FN19 Light Hunter and a Weihrauch HW100S, I am currently using AA Field Diablo .22, I am finding they are heavy and dipping quite dramaticaly after 30 yards.


Is there a pellet of the same quality but a bit lighter? would this give a flatter trajectory and a faster pellet? Not too sure of pro's and con's of pellet's weight and impact!


Any advice welcome




Edited by Gaoler
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you want a pellet to suit two guns, shit, you don`t want much, yes a .22 dips a lot at longer ranges, thats where pellets on paper and rangefinding come in, as for what might work, the only way to find out is to put your hand in your pocket, buy loads of tins and try them, sorry if this isnt more helpful but thats the way it is, one pellet might suit one gun and another gun the same make and model will hate them, try loads and when you find one that suits, buy 10 tins, that should keep you going till its testing time again or do what i did and get a .177, shoots a lot flatter but still have to pellet test

Edited by neil82
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it can be expensive buying different tins of pellets in order to try various ones as the ones that are no good will be wasted. a better option may be try asking people on here who own the same guns ,and who are happy with their pellets to send you a couple so you can try them to see whats best and you can repay them for postage as a matter of courtesy, if they require it, .there are some excelent people on this site who are only too willing to help out with advice and tips .atb

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