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game keepers problem

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out haveing a run keepers think they are police trying to block roads and we were not driving feilds just seen dogs in motor

Keepers are paid to do a job of work,if they were to let everybody have free rein over the land they are employed on,they would soon be on the dole,some keepers are better than others,human nature,but none of them want poachers on their patch,they usually have a family to provide for and if it comes between you trying to poach and them protecting their livelihood,then its a no brainer.If you get bothered by the keeper,move on and try elsewhere.

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most keepers were like ourselves one time like a bit of hunting but power of the land goes to ther head

i can see already your a very smart little boy arent you :blink:

erm....your previous post...6 gangs of lads out...jeep stuck in field....keeper probably pissed off with you I would guess?   http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/215497-big-ears/page__p__2202

Ok then here goes...i know a couple of keepers locally and to a man they are sound...but most of my experiences in the past have been absloute nightmares...only out with the dogs but they contact the police and accuse you thieving god only knows what and havin fire arms in the car..all this because they know the police wont come out just for lampin a few bunnies..when eventually stopped by the police(with the keepers in tow) the keepers then hide behind the police spouting all sorts of shite. Thankfully most police know the score and just send us on our way...when called out the keepers bottle it everytime and hide behind said officers. Thankfully all this was in days gone by and i happily have permission now to bash as many bunnies as i like...atb stabba


Tactfully executed....that will be £50 please!



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Stopping or blocking a motor on a public highway that aint right


ive done it and would do it again, if your dumb enough for me to catch you then you will get it :yes:



Get what ?


my foot long hairy hampton wedged up there A hole


No probs I will bring the soap

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Stopping or blocking a motor on a public highway that aint right

nor is running dogs with out permmision but thats ok i supose funny how people know they are doing what they shouldent and when someone has a go at them it aint right



On land they should not be fair enough on a public highway with dogs in the motor you are talking bollocks

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Footlong hairy hampton , bogger you make me laugh, and stabba that's the usual case farmers and keeperrs hiding behind the police thinking there invinsible ,if your dumb enough to get caught in a field then its your own fault but on a highway they have no rights to block the road and should be prosecuted for causing a obstruction etc , the do gooders would look for anyexcuse to nail us lurchermen so it should be the same for the keepers and farmers blocking roads thinking there all dog the bounty hunter , there just a gutless set of faggots

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end of the day you f****d up and got caught sounds like youve bin there before,what did you expect especialy this time of year when keepers have just put all the birds out did you expect them to say please lad come an run whatever you want an push my green birds off the estate for me ffs


even then the coin didnt drop that youve f****d up you then come on a internet forum moaning like a bitch expecting folks to join the we hate keepers band wagon you dumb c**t.


please if i didnt explain my self fully, feel free to ask questions

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end of the day you f****d up and got caught sounds like youve bin there before,what did you expect especialy this time of year when keepers have just put all the birds out did you expect them to say please lad come an run whatever you want an push my green birds off the estate for me ffs


even then the coin didnt drop that youve f****d up you then come on a internet forum moaning like a bitch expecting folks to join the we hate keepers band wagon you dumb c**t.


please if i didnt explain my self fully, feel free to ask questions



I have a lot of respect for keepers a lot of which are good friends but blocking a road is out of order, caught on the land I would take a slap without question

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