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women working dogs

Guest sam

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good pics of the bambi wish my lass was into hunting and then just maybe she would understand why i enjoy it and cant stop in when weather is mint for lamping but noing my luck she still find summit to moan about so perhaps i shouldnt wish for it and just carry on

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It should be possible for even the dopiest person to understand that if a woman can control half a ton of horse either in the hunting field or at events, then handling any size dog is hardly going to

Women are definitely good for doing the dishes and tidying up               That is after we hunt, kill, gralloch, butcher, wrap, freeze, cook and eat it of course

Seen some very well grafted dogs at a show this year, a real pleasure to see, all of 'em. Their owner was female, she works 'em and works 'em hard.   Seeing them dogs and their owner made me smile,

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  On 27/08/2011 at 18:32, Bogger said:

nice pics moll ive enjoyed seeing them, its debatable if women can do some things men can but all i can say if you enjoy it who am i to say you cant go.


happy hunting to all of you :thumbs:




Thank you Bogger, and i agree with you. No way i could carry the amount of rabbits Woodga does when we go out. I can hardly lift the bag off the ground, let along climb fences and run with it.

Physically we are limited, but we find other ways to get around it ;)

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  On 27/08/2011 at 19:56, collie/grey said:




















That's it for now, just a shame we can only catch bunnies now.


Oh my word, look at how those two photos joined :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  On 27/08/2011 at 19:31, inan said:

Good to see you posting,and with a generous comment.

Cheer's to someone who know's what they are talking about.. :thumbs: ..come on you ladies get them pic's up ..but please no more of big stuff around your neck..them tick's make me cringe .. :laugh:

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having had the pleasure of being out both night and day with moll and killing all quarry i can say i was looking out for her but need not have worried she is more than capable of pulling her weight in fact i once said to her this simple statement moll your just like one of the lads .keep up the good work ladies :thumbs:

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i dont think its about silence crittics i dont put pics up never will unless i feel a need to had barrels of game fish , most importantly enjoy youre dogs and sport and keep it to youreself and trusted freinds, there plenty on here wouldnae polish my boots at the hunting game but no need to educate eejits ,enjoy your dogs c g, moll etc ,

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  On 26/08/2011 at 16:42, Cold Ethyl said:

Lol mine would be a bit heavy handed for small game hypothetically :whistling: I dont own a 40kg bull x to run him on f*****g sparrows


can a 40kg dog do the big stuff better then a 25kg dog ?? a seen a moggie stand its ground with a fox

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