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Attempted theiving

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Let the dogs out this morning and realised someone had broken into my garage. They had tried to get into my hutch. I've got a triple hutch and have got a lock on all the doors. The bottom door was prised open just enough to get a hand in. None of the ferrets were took, little bit of blood on the cage door. found them scattered about the garage. Little buggers have destroyed the place, ripped bags of dog food, bird seed, tipped buckets of paint everywhere etc. The garage is a mess!

Atleast none of the ferrets are gone. They are all neutered so maybe worth a bit more than a intact ferret?


I think it's peculiar how all the ferrets are still there and nothing else was took out d the garage- tools, bike etc.


My guess is that whoever tried to take them got bit and sacked it.


b*****ds ain't they, glad I had the locks on!

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revenge of the mongs               As i told you it somebody who knows they are there

FFS, what a set of theiving . Glad they didn't get any of your ferts & pleased the ferts left them with a nice reminder to feck off.

Let the dogs out this morning and realised someone had broken into my garage. They had tried to get into my hutch. I've got a triple hutch and have got a lock on all the doors. The bottom door was prised open just enough to get a hand in. None of the ferrets were took, little bit of blood on the cage door. found them scattered about the garage. Little buggers have destroyed the place, ripped bags of dog food, bird seed, tipped buckets of paint everywhere etc. The garage is a mess!

Atleast none of the ferrets are gone. They are all neutered so maybe worth a bit more than a intact ferret?


I think it's peculiar how all the ferrets are still there and nothing else was took out d the garage- tools, bike etc.


My guess is that whoever tried to take them got bit and sacked it.


b*****ds ain't they, glad I had the locks on!

are you sure they were trying to break in to nick something sounds like they wrecked the place

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It's the ferrets that have wrecked the place mate. Didn't make it clear in the post. The ferrets were out ad have ransacked the garage, burrowing in the bird seed, tipping paint over, in the wood shaving. Everything!


I'll be looking close to home but I keep the fact that I keep ferrets quiet. The dog was barking last night but I didn't think anything of it. If the ferrets were gone I'd be kicking myself that I didn't go out when she was barking!



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Baseball bats ready at the bottom of the stairs, wish I'd have woke up and gave them the good

News, tied them up and covered their body in rabbit blood! Let the ferrets get their pound of flesh! If only haha

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showing off the teeth marks in their hand!



shit i better cover my hands when you drop ferrets off.its a strange one mate,its a small area you live in,anyone showed any interest in them?

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My uncle had a similar issue when her moved into his new place. Kids mooching round the removal van people stood watching him unload. When they saw the ferts being unloaded, well a few gasps and eeeerrss where herd. a few weeks later a little scrote tried to bread into his ferret pen. Luckily my uncle disterbed him, when this tit tried to get back over the fence he got caught in barbed wire ( the previous owner had put up ). tore his legs to shreds. best part is he only sued my uncle!! think it was best part of 2 grand too. My uncle soon packed up and moved out of the area. Wankers mate, no respect for others, fooooking wankers


Hope you catch em mate and give em what for... make sure they don't come back.

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