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He will soon get the idea that the quicker he comes back on the lamp the quicker he gets a run, if you slip him and he misses turn the lamp straight off and leave it off untill he returns, also dont move untill he gets back to you. Give him a really good fuss and a treat aswell as soon as he comes back. Try letting him off in the garden and use one comand for recall, shout it once and wait till he comes over when he does give him a treat and a fuss and then let him walk straight off again, do it a couple of times a day. This will stop him associating recall with going back on the lead/slip. I would stop doing what you are doing, it will never work. Get him out on the lamp. Its the quickest and in my opinion the best method of entering a dog.


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He,s a picture of a dog and looks to have some good boots on him as well.


Take the advise and take him somewere were he,s got a better chance to gain his confidence and like said i would just get him out on the lamp for a bit you might have a different dog once he,s got a few kills under his belt.

Good luck. ;)

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He,s a picture of a dog and looks to have some good boots on him as well.


Take the advise and take him somewere were he,s got a better chance to gain his confidence and like said i would just get him out on the lamp for a bit you might have a different dog once he,s got a few kills under his belt.

Good luck. ;)

Don't worry, I'm here to learn so i shall stop with what i'm doing and look into lamping.

He's already got quite a few kills under his belt but none were provided by me so to speak. He's taken quite a few of the big ones when out on walks with him and this is where i come to my problem, obviously this can't carry on with the law the way it is. He hunts up for himself very successfully so i'm hoping if i can catch some rabbits with him this will satisfy his need to hunt and stay legal amd it sounds like lamping is the way to go.

I think alot more training is needed with him though, he's general obedience is good, he'll down, stay, retreive etc but its just when he's in that zone and his nose is on the ground there is no breaking that concentration. I can snap him out of it with a little clump of soft mud to the back side if i can get with in throwing distance but i can't see my aim being that great if he decides to do this in the dark :laugh:



he's a nice looking dog lad......looks more grey than saluki....hope he makes the grade for you!

Yeah, there is alot of grey in there but definitely some saluki too. When you see him in person he's just to fine to be pure grey, he's just not got the width to him. I'll never know for sure what exactly he is but to be honest i don't really care. He's got the minerals thats for sure, i just have to work out how to get him to work along side me, not on his own ;)


Thanks to all who have given advice, its much appreciated.



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