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hi B/T ,i had a dog with the same problem i found changing from commercial dod food to a raw diet solved this ,im now sure that that my dog was suffering to some type of allergy (you dont always know whats in commercialdog food ).if your dogs already on a raw diet im not sure what the answer is except the obvious fleas ,mange ect,....all the best jim

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The lab i rescued has had a couple this summer . . . they are disgusting!


I put him straight on piriton tablets, shave the fur off and scrubbed it twice a day with a diluted hibi scrub solution . . .. . . and also got some cream from my vet which is fantastic, its a steroid cream, but works.


I was told soaking it in cold black tea also works, i didn't try this but heard excellent stuff about it.


They spread rapidly and are immensley painful for dogs. As has been suggested above a raw diet may also prevent them.

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hi all ,my dog suffers from a couple of hot spots at this time of the year ,scratching & biteing herself untill the area bleeds ,does anyone have any remedies or can recomend anything i can buy for it ,cheers pete

Change the dogs food to redmills racer. Alot of glenns get hotspots and one of the things thats proven to work in them is what I just said. What ever is in the food or what ever isnt in the food. It works.Ive done it.

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