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What owl for my nephew ??


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My nephew, aged 10, has expressed a real keeness in getting an owl. He has been out with me several times with the hawks and seems to love the game so I want to encourage any interest he shows as best I can. He has found a resident Tauny on his small holding at home and managed to photograph a Little owl that hangs around in the orchard, his enthusiasm for them is lovely to see.

So...... I know fek all about owls, apart from the fact that it hurts like hell when a Bengal gets hold of your leg and wrist, so Im after a bit of advice please.

The small BOP centre that we gave our breeding pair of HH's to told me that a Scops would be better for him than a Barn owl, not sure of the reason why but they seemed quite sure. Im going to knock up a flight at my place and house it here for a while whilst we work through the basics of feeding and handling etc, then after a bit when he is showing that he is able to take care of the job I will build a flight and move it over to him.

What Owl would you consider best for him and the situation, if it is a Scops then it seems I would have to travel a way to get one but Im more than willing to put the effort in for the right one. Any imput greatfully recived.

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My nephew, aged 10, has expressed a real keeness in getting an owl. He has been out with me several times with the hawks and seems to love the game so I want to encourage any interest he shows as best I can. He has found a resident Tauny on his small holding at home and managed to photograph a Little owl that hangs around in the orchard, his enthusiasm for them is lovely to see.

So...... I know fek all about owls, apart from the fact that it hurts like hell when a Bengal gets hold of your leg and wrist, so Im after a bit of advice please.

The small BOP centre that we gave our breeding pair of HH's to told me that a Scops would be better for him than a Barn owl, not sure of the reason why but they seemed quite sure. Im going to knock up a flight at my place and house it here for a while whilst we work through the basics of feeding and handling etc, then after a bit when he is showing that he is able to take care of the job I will build a flight and move it over to him.

What Owl would you consider best for him and the situation, if it is a Scops then it seems I would have to travel a way to get one but Im more than willing to put the effort in for the right one. Any imput greatfully recived.


I'm the same as you mate when it comes to owls. all I know is the kids have had a Barn Owl <Ozzy> now for a good few years which is as good as gold, he's been imprinted and ridiculously tame around anyone. I loaned him to a guy a while back who took him around the local schools! the kids loved him just as my kids do :thumbs:

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I dont think he will go far wrong with a hr barney mate there as soft as butter and grate for short flights to the fist there just not a hunting bird by any means and an adult getting into falconry would get board rather quickley but for a kid just starting off I think yous will get on well with it.


all the best to you and the lal feller

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hows the owl getting on mate

The Lad was over today and had his first go at handling it,pleasure too watch it all developing. He had a smile bigger than his face and has all but got the one handed knot sorted out within an hour of trying it. Its been on the scales and had a walk down the village on the boys hand, Im so glad now that we went for a hand reared barny for him.

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hows the owl getting on mate

The Lad was over today and had his first go at handling it,pleasure too watch it all developing. He had a smile bigger than his face and has all but got the one handed knot sorted out within an hour of trying it. Its been on the scales and had a walk down the village on the boys hand, Im so glad now that we went for a hand reared barny for him.


Fair play to you mate glad the lad was made up with his owl all the best mate :thumbs:

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hows the owl getting on mate

The Lad was over today and had his first go at handling it,pleasure too watch it all developing. He had a smile bigger than his face and has all but got the one handed knot sorted out within an hour of trying it. Its been on the scales and had a walk down the village on the boys hand, Im so glad now that we went for a hand reared barny for him.


Spot on BB :thumbs:. your lads going to have alot of fun with with it mate.


here's a couple of pictures of Ozzy taken by Moll on the site a few years back.





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Jasper, that's one beautiful bird!


And BB - well done mate, the kids lucky to have an Uncle like you, i can just imagine him telling the other kids in school about his owl when he goes back!


Out of interest, can you lamp an Owl?

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hows the owl getting on mate

The Lad was over today and had his first go at handling it,pleasure too watch it all developing. He had a smile bigger than his face and has all but got the one handed knot sorted out within an hour of trying it. Its been on the scales and had a walk down the village on the boys hand, Im so glad now that we went for a hand reared barny for him.


Spot on BB :thumbs:. your lads going to have alot of fun with with it mate.


here's a couple of pictures of Ozzy taken by Moll on the site a few years back.



that is utterly flawless! :notworthy:

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post-12464-0-84380200-1314828585_thumb.jpgThanks for all the positive comments. The Lad came to work with me today and helped all day hanging gates and such, this was so he could come back and be there at the right time to feed the owl, my god he is keen and so in to his bird.

Couple of pics of the proud boy and his new pride and joy.

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