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Tracer 170 lamp

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Hi guys and girls,


Does anyone use the Tracer 170 lamp with variable power? I'm thinking of getting a new lamp and lithium battery and was eyeing up this one as it's always advertised in the Countryman's Weekly so any tips or advice would be great.


Also, if anyone has any tips for best lith. battery to get that would be great. Probably looking at one of the mid-range ones as I think the 22ah one will be overkill.


Cheers in advance! :thumbs:

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i just started using one mate, changed out the 75w bulb for a 50w. it gives a better beam then my cluelight did with the same bulb.

my mate has a striker and with the 100w bulb it was way to powerful for what i do.


at the moment i have a 10ah lithium and i have yet to flatten it on a night out,


i use the dimmer alot, its as low as i can use it to spot the bunnys then when i slip the dog i use my thumb to twist the nob to put the power up. it could be a better design but i can manage to do it.


all in all im happy with the lamp.


i am upgrading the lithium to a 14ah very soon as my battery has no fuel gauge so i carnt actually see if im running the battery really low when im out. so ill keep this as a spare and be confident i have enough juice for a long night when i get the 14.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got one now, with the dimmer switch. Honestly can't complain about it, it has been a very handy tool, easy to use and robust. I also got the mid-range lithium battery which I have now used for 3 nights on the trot without charging and it still tells me it's almost full! Plus I can fit it into my pocket which is very useful. I recommend this product to anyone wanting hastle free lamping, be it with dog or gun

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  • 2 weeks later...

Which lithium did you get mate the 14 AH one ?


I was thinking the same, 22AH might be over kill but its only about £40 more so duno whether to go for it lol!


Going to pick up the Deben Tracer 170 and a lithium soon


Where did you find was the best place to buy ? The store on here seems cheapest for a lithium battery but don't do the variable lamps :(

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Alright mate, I dunno about you but £40 is still a decent amount of money to me!


I just got the 10AH mate and it's more than enough really for what I do. I go out for 2-3 hours normally and the battery has only ever been just under half full when I get home, but I charge it up for the next time out anyway. Once I forgot to charge it and went out a few nights in a row, (only for a couple of hours max each night though), and it still lasted over an hour on the last night before it ran out.


As for where to buy - I just bought it straight from Deben. I looked around on mail-order companies and websites but the saving you made wasn't really worth it. I would have ended up spending more by trying to get something thrown in for "free". I also thought if something went wrong with it and I'd bought it from somewhere else it would be more of a pain to sort out than dealing directly with the manufacturer. That's up to you though - but unless you've found a different supplier to what I did then I don't think you'd save a lot from shopping around.


And if you're wondering about the dimmer switch - I would definately spend the extra £20 to get it. So much handier crossing fences and scanning fields inconspicuously etc.


Hope this helps

Edited by TheWizard
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