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Wish i had started with a decent springer

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Hi all :bye: , i recently sold my Logun s16 as i thought it was to complicated & a little ott if i'm honest, anyway i decided i wanted a half decent springer & ending up buying a Air Arms TX200 off a fellow member. Got to say i'm very impressed so far and other then the weight of it i'd say its perfect, just got to get some pratice in and get used to shooting her, i've found the trigger to be very sensitivebut thats something i'll get used to i suppose. If i'm honest i'm struggling working out my scope's i say scope's because i had the same issue with the one on the logun, so i'm thinking its me at fault, the trouble i'm having is when i decide to zoom in, the more i zoom in the more the cross hairs start to blur, even if i adjust it i cant seem to get a clear cross when up close, Is this because i'm zoomed in too close trying to make it easier for myself :icon_redface: , when i zoom back out the start getting clearer any adjust's dont seem to help although not 100% me twisting the eye peice adjuster randomly is helping. Any advice for me really cant wait to be getting a good pellet grouping at a respectfull distance, i'm not in any rush just dont want to be doing it all wrong, sorry for being a pain, Dom.

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hi mate you have one of the best springer,s on the market set your scopes at 28 yards then use the mildots for the rest of the distance ie,35, 40 excetra i never use my zoom on my scopes eather and practice and practice you will soon get the groopings you want the tx 200 is a heavy gun just get used to the weight as you will find after you have walked with it over a few feild,s it will weigh a tun hope this helps.mac

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What i'll do then is set my scope up down the shooting range at a respectable distance and leave them set at that, i'm completly new to air rifles but am enjoying learning, really am impressed with the rifle and can't fault it at all. I'll have a decent look at my scope and get back to you with a detailed answer as not got a clue what i set the mag at.

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it would be good for one of the mods to put a post up or some one else to then get a mod to pin it on how to set up scopes for new shooters who dont no how to then they can just click and read iv got mine at 28 yards but others set there,s at different settings its what you prefer and what you feel happy with i shot one last night and it was at 30 yards head shot fell dead but had mixi so slung it just lifted the gun up alittle and wack job done.

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