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ftb. throw some more toys out dude. ill call u what i want...if it bothers u that much, would u like to speak to some thats had dogs off me, to see if the dogs were rehomed as exactly how i said? just so u can stop crying that u ended up with shit... :)

Just out of interest, why exactly do you keep buying them and rehoming them? why don't you just get one or two and just work them?

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The best thing that could happen to this site would surely be the removal of the dogs for sale section.

Polo(has rehomed more than battarsea dogs home, and is a bellend aswell), Jackboi (a c**t of epic proportions and a faggot to boot), terrier.man.mark (has a bull cross whose tits drag along the ground

IMHO, This thread should be deleted.........fair enough, if you see someone who is obviously at it then call them out on that paticular thread, but to sling accusations about is just plain wrong.  

''Nuttal/wheeler/plummer/gypo-cross patterdale 14months'' GAME as FUCCK :diablo: cant be arsed to breed from her again had enough of cleaning up dog shite & looking at her saggy tits & all that bollock's :yes: so im selling her :big_boss: & her litter of 16 for £500 for the lot

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[bANNED TEXT] was the last time i sold an adult dog?? lol ftb makin a mountain out of a mole hill...ive got three here i work, ones 12months...not started her yet. 7 year old...and a 3 year old.



20th July.

35 days ago if my maths is right :laugh:


What a wanker.



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''Nuttal/wheeler/plummer/gypo-cross patterdale 14months'' GAME as FUCCK :diablo: cant be arsed to breed from her again had enough of cleaning up dog shite & looking at her saggy tits & all that bollock's :yes: so im selling her :big_boss: & her litter of 16 for £500 for the lot




Would you SWOP for a pie line bull cross 110% 12 months old. Not for the faint hearted?.

Im getting out of lurchers and into terriers.




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''Nuttal/wheeler/plummer/gypo-cross patterdale 14months'' GAME as FUCCK :diablo: cant be arsed to breed from her again had enough of cleaning up dog shite & looking at her saggy tits & all that bollock's :yes: so im selling her :big_boss: & her litter of 16 for £500 for the lot




Would you SWOP for a pie line bull cross 110% 12 months old. Not for the faint hearted?.

Im getting out of lurchers and into terriers.







Throwin a ''tit wannk '' off ''FLAB-TASTIC'' & i might consider :hmm:

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In one year he has rehomed :-


1 lakeland terrier

2 bull crosses

2 greyhounds

1 bull terrier.


and has put a wanted ad for a bull whippet and a 'ratching dog'


I swear to some people the sport is buying and selling dogs...



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''Nuttal/wheeler/plummer/gypo-cross patterdale 14months'' GAME as FUCCK :diablo: cant be arsed to breed from her again had enough of cleaning up dog shite & looking at her saggy tits & all that bollock's :yes: so im selling her :big_boss: & her litter of 16 for £500 for the lot




Would you SWOP for a pie line bull cross 110% 12 months old. Not for the faint hearted?.

Im getting out of lurchers and into terriers.







Throwin a ''tit wannk '' off ''FLAB-TASTIC'' & i might consider :hmm:

I agree with jf1970...............your a tit!!!.... :laugh:

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