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Welsh Hounds

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a wee question for the hound men..... are the welsh hounds as good as they say they are ..... for finding and marking too ground i mean??? and would any good hound men know where i could buy 1 thats up and working and all any info greatly appreciated atb stop.end

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It's like any other breed of working dog or hound in that there's good and bad. But the fact that there's many a good huntsman loves the Welsh speaks volumes for the breed, even in some of the more famous mounted packs.

And yes a good Welsh hound can be a great finder and marker.

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I'd say you wasting your time with just one one hound the benefit of a pack is they all have Plus points some mark some don't ask any huntsman they'll tell you the ones he will trust and hounds soon learn to believe or not believe certain members of there pack when music starts but the same hound that isn't the marker or first to find a line will hunt his heart out and be the first to be in on the kill while the marker or finder bounces about booing it's all down to team work in my opinion But I will add the welsh hound is as good as any hound hunting in the field especially in cover and crossed with a fell in my eyes is pure nectar a bit more speed with a touch of coat for the cover

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deeper scenting than english fh, but tend to be more independant, there has been some good wfh blood introduced into the mounted packs over the years, i think it is favoured more diluted, as the can be too bloody minded,but then in wales its probably difficult terrain and hard to stay with the pack, as the same in the fells hounds have to think for themselves, when i was in kennels we had welsh blood that went back to newforest mydg, suppose breeding the best to the best over the years and eventually getting it right for yourself, there is a lot of thought goes into hound breeding.

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