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contact the society secretary Brenda she may be able to help.


Brockbart on smoochers has just had a litter and sold them all, Ruger8 (i think thats his username) on here got one from him, I have a teckel x, and may breed from her in the future to a cat A teckel (see the teckel society gradings on the link mine is a C)


mine is good at bushing rabbits, has caught a fair few in thick cover, she has killed a few rats, bolted/flushed several foxes and muntjac and also speaks on a line , she is very brave and has had a fight with a muntjac that she cornered in cover, the muntjac got away and the dog suffered a cut neck from the muntjacs tusks :icon_redface: she has gone to ground even though i dont want her to


they have very good noses and can be hard to call off a line :(


I would say they are good but need a lot of basic training before taking to the field, and expect them to deaf you out when working a line, they are hounds after all.


i would like to have a small pack of say 5 or 6 to work as a bobbery pack with a gun or lurcher

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I have a pup of Brockbart and have been very pleased with her, i cant speak for working ability yet because she is only 3 1/2 months. They are however fantastic little characters, and have a personality all off their own.


The mother was bred by the Ryeford chase pack and the father was an imported Teckel from germany http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/Waldmeister/page5.html. She didnt come cheap but i think it has been money well spent


I have had her to flush quarrey for my Harris Hawk and ferreting, she was supposed to be out with my cocker in the garden but shes in the house as everyone has taken to her and shes no trouble.


These dogs are extensively used abroad and are a favourite of falconers in the USA, i contacted a number of german breeders and have been considering importing a dog from germany. If the bitch lives up to my hopes and expectations i intend to breed them in the future and get top imported blood.


They do tend to be viewed as a comical dog in this country, and not a hunting breed , when i took her down the club and explained they were used in deer stalking ! :haha:


Well...... we will see, a fantastic character, a fantastic pet, but she wasnt bought for that !!



Well done Brockbart on selling the whole litter, glad you made a few bob , they were a credit to you mate :good:

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Hi Compo

I jope you have more luck than I have had trying to breed of a teckel :( .I have tried my bitch to 3 dogs and I have had no luck so far.The Teckel is know as being a very difficult dog to breed.I would also like to hunt a small pack on rabbits and just keep one back for deer stalking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

surely better dogs than teckels for deer etc , very short to the leg and they dont loook agile enought to pull a wounded beast , get a good pionter type , gwp or swp ive saw some labs and terreirs who would do the job of a teckel

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i would like to have a small pack of say 5 or 6 to work as a bobbery pack with a gun or lurcher

dont mean to look like a prick but what do you mean when you say bobbery pack from what iv gleaned does it mean a pack of small hounds or terriers that hunt rabbits??? :hmm: sorry cheers

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The teckel will not pull down a deer but when they get upto a deer they will hold a deer to bay whilst you finish it off with another bullet.They have a fantastic nose and will follow a blood trail for miles.You do not want your dog to mix it because it might get damage.All you want it to do is to hold the animal which you have wounded to bay so you can finish it off.

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  stig said:

i would like to have a small pack of say 5 or 6 to work as a bobbery pack with a gun or lurcher

dont mean to look like a prick but what do you mean when you say bobbery pack from what iv gleaned does it mean a pack of small hounds or terriers that hunt rabbits??? :hmm: sorry cheers



exactly right a small mixed pack is a bobbery pack,

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  • 3 months later...

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