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Libya - Battle of Tripoli

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It always baffles me why we try and apply western principals to Arab countries (or asian or african for that matter)........they have different social rules to us.

In the case of Arabs, its always been that the big man is at the top with a f*****g great whip, beating any f****r who steps out of line and when he curls up his toes, the next bloke with the biggest whip takes over and so it carrys on...............

Its how things have always been and how things will always be..........it works for them so why poke our nose in?


Wilf our foolish leaders poke there nose in because there is Oil at stake.

We didnt do owt in The Balkans till it was to late because there was no Oil.

We havnt helped the Burmeese and they have been getting slaughtered for 40 years or so.


Its Greed Greed, them and us,

Our Goverments are just legalised Gangsters no more no less.


Do you drive a car pal? Heat your home with oil or gas? Use products made of plastics? ..in fact there's very little we do in this country that doesn't involve using refined oil. Until we all individually break our reliance on refined petroleum products, we are all as much to blame as our governments.


Besides, if these countries with massive oil reserves want to sell us their product at extortionate prices and make themselves very rich in the process, they've got to realise that we'll only tolerate our balls being squeezed so much over it.. :yes: It's in all of our interests to have a free, stable Libya whether we all like the way it's coming about or not.. :thumbs:

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i nearly pissed myself earlier.it was on the news that the scottish probation board havent heard from meaghari lol they say they need to speak to him weekly,its term of his release,stupid c**ts shouldnt have released him in the first place.f*****g salmond and his arrogance.

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