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what do ye think a this terrier

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That's the type we started out with as kids, raking around Kentish orchards armed with air rifles that would make the ones chained to travelling fairgrounds look state of the art. We used to see that type around everywhere and we'd give them all a go. They provided us kids with years of fun and sport and they were responsible for getting me hooked. I spent many years trudging home covered in nettle stings; wet Levi's and desert boots, sometimes with a rabbit, much more often empty handed, accompanied by bandy-legged snipey nosed white terriers - thinking I was the Big-I-Am. A smile on my face, an inadequate dog at my heels and a Regal Kingsize on the go. Happy days.


:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:



Double thumbs up, but i always have a stolen John Player out me grandads pack :thumbs:

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Lads! now you just hold on a bit.. i have seen them short bow legged russell types work and they did it well, my first years were spent with a dog called patch owned buy a local farmer and i can tell you he was a hard little fuker.

We used him on drains an earths he would push on anywhere to his fox never did he come out untill he killed or bolted it.

I would like to own that type again if i could find some good blood??..

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