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hi guys and girls i have been looking at buying a lamber 28inch barrel o/u 12g for my first shotgun, would like to use this for both clays and game, tried one out at the weekend and was nice not to heavy, any thoughts please....



Very good choice for a first gun, you won't have any regrets with that I'm sure, good value for money



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hi guys and girls i have been looking at buying a lamber 28inch barrel o/u 12g for my first shotgun, would like to use this for both clays and game, tried one out at the weekend and was nice not to heavy, any thoughts please....



Very good choice for a first gun, you won't have any regrets with that I'm sure, good value for money



Totally agree mate good choice :thumbs:

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What sort of money are people seeing lanbers selling for at the minute? I only ask because im sure i saw theyre around the £800 mark new (correct me if im wrong) And iv seen several second hand ones now and none has been less than £600. But then if everyone rates them i suppose theres probably not many second hand ones about hence the high price.

On a seperate note though the lanber did feel fairly heavy to me when i tried one out. Similar weight to my 686 with 32" barrels it felt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well had police around today to check house and cabinet security said everything was fine but said with only having air rifles for 8 years I would need to go to a clay pigeon range and get some shotgun safety experience so has deferred my licence for 3 months grrrrr. The safety should be the same surely as a air rifle don't point at people broken barrel when walking an so on

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I have not heard that before with shotgun applications, although they often get conditions with FAC applications. I am not sure if they can actually do that, but its just whether you want to pursue the matter, or bite your bottom lip and get on with it. It would have been interesting what they would have said if there were no clay pigeon clubs in your area, and you only wanted to use it for vermin shooting.

3 months means nothing anyway, do you have to go to the club once in that 3 months, or 100 times in that 3 months!!!


If they wanted to go down that line, a letter from a current certificate holder should suffice, saying that they have given you a lesson on gun safety.

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ive never come across that before :hmm: mind id never herd of mentoring for new fac holders either :laugh: could be something your local force is doing, you could fight that decision, and i belive win, but if its only 3 months why bother depends on you.

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a workmate came shooting with me......then wanted his own gun's and to take up shooting


when his feo attended they asked to speak to me......basically they wanted to ask why he wanted to take up shooting, explained he would be doing a bit of pigeon and rough shooting and that he had come out with me and told the basics and they were happy


I would have just stated you want to do vermin shooting and tried to find someone who could vouch you aren't a complete liability

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Never heard that before either. Maybe it depends on where you live.


Price wise, the lanbers when I last checked seemed to drop in price a lot initially, then hold their value. I paid around 700quid for mine when I bought it a few years back which was full price. But I am sure ive seen them for around the 400quid mark 2nd hand. Check on guntrader and the other usual for sale places and see what prices they are fetching.

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