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A reminisce........

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Mind you guys, summer for me started end of march (got a good tan at a stag golfing weekend in devon) and continued through to end of July with very little rain - crops failing or growing weakly in many areas due to lack of water.

It wouldn't be such a green and pleasant land if we didnt get wet occasionally!

Now its nearly september so autumn is nearly upon us; lamping time! :thumbs:

As for winters being cold, when I was a kid (say 20-30 years ago), winters were always cold with plenty of knee-deep snow and we just coped with it. The problem is these days after decades of mild winters, we have become unaccustomed to 'proper' winters.


So come on folks, 'man up' a bit will ya!



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Oddly, back then, cars mostly had drum brakes, no abs or traction control, but everyone still got to work when it snowed - odd, eh?

one winter we where painting out a power station on bad snowy days 4 of us walked the 16 mile round trip to put a shift in --- how many lads whould do that now days ... 2 days snow and the countrys at a fecking stand still ..
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