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One of my 2 year old hens has recently been looking very sorry for herself. Her wattles are almost white and she spends a lot of time just standing still. I've just picked her up and found she has no breast meat at all and her breast bone is curved like an elongated s.


What's wrong?

Would it be kinder to cull or is there something I can do to improve her health?

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Never mind. The poor thing couldn't even stand up this morning so I did the right thing.


What suprised me was just how fast she deteriorated. 2 weeks ago she was fine and roosting on the highest perch. Yesterday she couldn't even jump onto a small log.


Oh well, c'est la vie

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Paleness could have been anything Mooch. Same with the weight loss, she may not have been eating for a while, or if she had it could be it was not getting past her crop?

I am interested in what you meant by her breast bone though. Did you mean bent in an S shape from side to side or front to back (if you get what i mean?)

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