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Im liking your setup millet, I use to breed jumbo coturnix quail. there the most easy quail to rear and you can sex them in 3 weeks.

only takes around 6 weeks and there laying and ready to breed. and there eggs are great, if you get enough sell them to your local butchers. Thats what I use to do. and i use to fatten the odd cock birds up for the table. Good little bussiness to be in if you can sell your eggs and the odd surpless cock birds. I use to sell so many young cock birds to a chap who bred birds of prey. and like gnipper says get yourself some warren hens there fairly cheap and lay like mad. :)

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The best quail for meat and eggs are japanese quails. The hens lay more eggs than chickens, my hens lay 6 eggs a week average. You can feed your quails chicken layer feed but it is to low in protein

I keep two trio's in double tier cages in a shed and another two trio's in open run's on the lawn...another trio in a lit room and 15 hen's to about 2 male's in a 7ft x 7ft mesh fronted outdoor enclos

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  On 03/09/2011 at 09:28, ARRAN said:

also what equipment do i need to hatch the eggs and rear them?


I have 2 octogan 20 incubator's with auto turn cradles on the go at the moment ..when the egg's are ready to hatch i will take half of the egg's out of each incubator and place them in a bigger hatcher..once they are over 12hr's old i will place the chick's in a separate brooder under a large electric hen..with a shallow water bowl full of pebbles to stop them from drowning them self's...they will stay in this 3ft x 3ft brooder for 7 day's..after that they will be moved into a 8ft x 4ft enclosure with the electric hen till they are around 5wk's old and of the heat..after the heat is not needed they will be moved into a bigger enclosure outside to grow on..

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  On 03/09/2011 at 09:24, ARRAN said:

got my first quail egg this morning people :boogy: i have 3 females and a male and there living with 2 chickens fine up to now. 2 of the quail have been pecked at before i bought them and wondered if the feathers will come back ? and approx how old are point of lay pullets?


Good stuff.. :thumbs: ..the feather's will grow back aslong as the cock bird is not hammering them all the time..put some conifer branches around the floor area..that will give the hen's some where to hide for a rest...quail hens will start laying at 7wk's old and are best on layer's pellet's or mash if you want them to lay regular.

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might seem a stupid question, but my near by auction art has a poultry sale on in a week or so, and i am thinking ofgetting some chinese painted quail, just wondered if it would be possible to keep more than one male together or will is that a bad move?

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It all depend's on what you want to spend ARRAN..A cheap reliable one for quail is a Octogan 20 if you want to save a bit of money you can do away with the auto turn cradle but they Incubator will need to be turned atleast 5 times per day so you will need to be about regular..here's a link for you.. have a little look on google or ebay for the best price's.



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  On 03/09/2011 at 22:31, gamerooster said:

might seem a stupid question, but my near by auction art has a poultry sale on in a week or so, and i am thinking ofgetting some chinese painted quail, just wondered if it would be possible to keep more than one male together or will is that a bad move?


Im not sure about the painted quail but the ones i have seen in petshop's have been in group's .

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  On 04/09/2011 at 11:57, DUCKWING said:









The little shit's i have here are aggressive 24/7.. :laugh: and if i do introduce new stock to an existing group i have to keep a close eye on them or they will scalp each other..i was told of pete a while back that they fight them in china or japan which i can well believe.. i have a cock bird here that attack's me everytime i change the water.. :laugh:

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8 quails didn't survive the broken lamp..

Arran, you could always think about making an incubator for your own wishes, you can even build an automatic one.

My jumbo rooster is very agresive to other roosters, i never seen him pick at hens but when he hears an other rooster he gets mad.

I've got 4 roosters in one cage now, doesn't give any problems haven't seen that before, the roosters are 3 young ones from the same batch and brooder and their father.

Their father wasn't even agresive to the young ones and the young ones accepted him as a gangmember immediately.

I had an metal on wheels with 3 tiers standing by the shed and i had some planks with tongue's and grooves laying around what used to be the attic floor in the old shed so i decided to build an brooder out of it. I've almost finished one tier now i only need to ad doors and a heat lamp and a spare bulb for if the lamp breaks..

I'll update some photo's later this week.

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Sorry but i have no experience with that brand of incubator so i cannot comment on it..around about 10 day's is ok for storing quail egg's at room temperature i go as far as 14 sometimes..you can go longer but it will reduce the chance of them hatching..

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