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that is a shame mate, a local poultry farm sells japanese quail £6 a piece think ill get a few from there and hopefully get them same age as the chikens. thanks for info and pictures great help hope i have enough space as you one day to get some more!

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The best quail for meat and eggs are japanese quails. The hens lay more eggs than chickens, my hens lay 6 eggs a week average. You can feed your quails chicken layer feed but it is to low in protein

I keep two trio's in double tier cages in a shed and another two trio's in open run's on the lawn...another trio in a lit room and 15 hen's to about 2 male's in a 7ft x 7ft mesh fronted outdoor enclos

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£6 is expensive ARRAN..is there no poultry auction's near to you..if you do manage to get some make sure you know what is male and what is female so you dont get ripped of..you would be better going for the standard colour or the golden type as they can easily be sexed just by looking at them..if you want a picture of both sexes stood together..i will stick one up for you.

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i dont have a clue if there are any poultry auctions ill have to look on the internet and try to find one what sort of price should i be paying?, im not sure how to tell the difference between the sexes when they are chicks so the pics would be great

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My batch of meat quails hatched yesterday, 15 chicks out of 33 eggs..

I already thaugth it wasn't going to be a succes, the power went of one time and the incubator hasn't been stable since..

A funny thing is that al the chicks are yellow , i've got a yellow rooster and 5 brown hens.

My previous breeding group had also brown hens and a yellow rooster and i've had around 40% yellow chicks from them.

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That's not a bad hatch rate gerjan..almost 50% success i have 240 egg's cooking at the moment and i will be more than happy with half of them hatching..all the yellow chick's i hatch turn out to be white's and pied whites..it's funny how the colour's from different hatches vary so much..you would think they would be pretty consistent from the same group's of breeding bird's but i have found them not to be...

When you say meat quail is that the larger strain that some folk call jumbo coturnix quail.

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I know it aint a bad hatch for japanese quails but i had a 70% hatch once and eversince every hatch under 70% is classified as a bad hatch.

I do mean jumbo coturnix but i thaught they were called jumbo brown coturnix, my breeders come from Belgium and in Belgium are yellow and brown jumbo quails mixed bred for decades so if both your hens and rooster are brown you probably still hatch some yellow chicks in every hatch.

The yellow jumbo's are not as dark as italian quail but their lighter just like crosses of italian coloured roosters with brown/pharoah hens.

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That's a bit of bad luck mate..but at least you managed to revive some of them..you should have a think about using one of these instead of a heat lamp..they are much more economical on the electric and don't burn out like the heat lamp's.



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  On 02/09/2011 at 14:17, gerjan said:

Fecking heatlamp broke.. :censored: When i went to the shed to feed them some of them were already gone and the others didn't move but were alive.

I've put them in the incubator and some of them start to walk again...


Gerjan, I've brought back to life many a chick i would have sworn was dead with a hairdryer, just something for you to try if it happens again :thumbs:

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got my first quail egg this morning people :boogy: i have 3 females and a male and there living with 2 chickens fine up to now. 2 of the quail have been pecked at before i bought them and wondered if the feathers will come back ? and approx how old are point of lay pullets?

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