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Guest born to run1083

my personal opinion is if your gonna fit a 100 watt bulb into a striker, you should of just brought a blitz, I find when you go to a 100 watt bulb in strikers the light when it hits the ground spreads so much you might as well use a crap high powered torch from Argos lol as it lights the field horrible, me myself like a thin beam and when it hits the ground stays in a tiny spot and doesn't displace much on the ground. seem to catch more quarry this way rather then making it day light for the quarry


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Guest born to run1083

75 watt bulb comes in striker 100 watt blitz I think mate, I like 50watt to be honest tho mate plenty bright enough and seem to have better catch rate and bounce better off the fences

Edited by born to run1083
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I've been working on a lamp using old cheap lamps and have one part waiting to arrive. I wanted a low watt high output bulb to keep down the heat and power consumption but bleach the rabbits with light. This is the bulb I chose...




I'll let you know how it goes when it's done.

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The strikers definatley come with a 100w bulb..there are no issues with the lens melting at all unless left face down while switched on for a good length of time....how a cheaper alternative lamp will cope with a 100w bulb is anyones guess..also when buyin a bulb make sure you choose the right make and model because there are alot of cheaper alternatives out there which to put it bluntly are absolute garbage..atb stabba

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Born to run I think you maybe better of with a clulite for your rabbits etc , the lightforce is a real lamp ansd 100w is needed when your covering big land , clulite ok if your hunting little paddocks etc , not my cup of tea mind

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Guest born to run1083

Born to run I think you maybe better of with a clulite for your rabbits etc , the lightforce is a real lamp ansd 100w is needed when your covering big land , clulite ok if your hunting little paddocks etc , not my cup of tea mind

not really mate like lightforced used them for years and i suppose depends how you lamp and such mate i like the spill controll and such on the light force strikers but the way i lamp i dont want something over bright. so even with 50watt the beam still travels far enough for me. i manage on all types of land and manage other quarry fine, think my prob is i have exception eye sight so even when goes far out say on a big ear i can still see him so if i can so can the dog. just feel the dimmer bulb helps when lamping from the hedge to the middle of the field rabbits 95% of the time run back towards me so with the dimmer bulb seems to smash them up the fence better rather then light the way up. ive tried all varioutions of light force with different bulbs over the years just feel the set up i find best is striker with 50watt to my style on the lamp, should try it one day might make the difference from catching say 30 rabbits on the lamp rather then say just 20. proved it to a mate not so long back with the blitz he topped out at under 10 a night then used the striker and caught 15 could say coincidence or could say it works. just suppose depends how you lamp and just how bright you think the bulb needs to be


Edited by born to run1083
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the new deben 170 comes with a 75w bulb fitted. the striker has (or did have) a 100w bulb in as standard.


why not just get a variable lamp, then you can have it as bright or as dim as you want without messing around with the bulbs.


up till today i have used a cluelight with 50w bulb fitted and it has served me very well, i always get the bunnys running back at me, depending on my mood i either step out the way or hoof the little feckers as they come past lol.

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