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Lets see your ferrets for this season

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only recently got into ferreting myself and have 2 in for this season, 1provided by theferreter of this who will be teaching me everything I need to know for the up coming season. so Lets see yours


cheers just trying to start a discussion.. didnt your mummy ever tell you "if you've nothing nice to say then say nothing at all"

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that was hell of a hard rat to do a ferret and then put a fight with a f**king terrier . sorry that you had a ferret K.I.A I had that were stoats have put up a fight with my old hob , they put up a fight too . old hob had him in a dead end and we had to dig to him 4 ft but when we got there it was all over the ferret had some bad bits but he was ok in the end ( he was about 5 years old at the time hes 7 yrs now but his ferreting days are over hes just had a nice litter this year and im keeping his boy so will see if he as good as his dad lol

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that was hell of a hard rat to do a ferret and then put a fight with a f**king terrier . sorry that you had a ferret K.I.A I had that were stoats have put up a fight with my old hob , they put up a fight too . old hob had him in a dead end and we had to dig to him 4 ft but when we got there it was all over the ferret had some bad bits but he was ok in the end ( he was about 5 years old at the time hes 7 yrs now but his ferreting days are over hes just had a nice litter this year and im keeping his boy so will see if he as good as his dad lol

Let's see father and son elmer

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