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Deer poachers

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The biggest side effect to this sort of thing is that people blame hunters, real hunters that is; genuine dog men who take home what they catch and eat it themselves and feed it to their dogs and mayb

Im a poacher, have been since I was 13 years old. But I only poach what will fit in my game bag and what will go in the pot. Never in my whole life have I ever damaged any land or property, Killed

It's not theft when it's applied to a wild animal. Taking an animal is only ever referred to as theft if the animal in question is domesticated and belongs to someone. You being such a fecking smart a

  On 23/08/2011 at 12:45, lab-tastic said:

Racking up the friends list i see Phil....................not often am wrong but am right again............... :D


In the real world the word friend has more meaning.


Unlike your make believe world of Facebook.


Lets just say I'm more selective in whom I call friend.

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Blather on all you want. It still adds up to the same thing.


People will try and call it what ever they will in order to try and convince themselves and others that they are nothing other than common criminals.


Those that have more sense and less delusion simply see it for what it is theft. No different from shop lifting, robbing old grannies, or nicking push bikes off young kids.

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  On 23/08/2011 at 17:07, Greek Phil said:



Blather on all you want. It still adds up to the same thing.


People will try and call it what ever they will in order to try and convince themselves and others that they are nothing other than common criminals.


Those that have more sense and less delusion simply see it for what it is theft. No different from shop lifting, robbing old grannies, or nicking push bikes off young kids.



you still spouting a load of shite

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  On 23/08/2011 at 17:26, scothunter said:
  On 23/08/2011 at 17:07, Greek Phil said:



Blather on all you want. It still adds up to the same thing.


People will try and call it what ever they will in order to try and convince themselves and others that they are nothing other than common criminals.


Those that have more sense and less delusion simply see it for what it is theft. No different from shop lifting, robbing old grannies, or nicking push bikes off young kids.



you still spouting a load of shite


The truth is often hard to face up to. Especially by those that it exposes and who deny it simply because they don't have the wit to defend their actions or their POV. The only problem is for them its still the truth regardless of how much they cry foul.


Have a nice day.

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  On 23/08/2011 at 18:33, Malt said:
  On 23/08/2011 at 17:07, Greek Phil said:

No different from shop lifting, robbing old grannies, or nicking push bikes off young kids.


What a f*****g drama queen... :rolleyes:


No drama and certainly no queen.


I realise some with a distorted view of the truth and a hankering to be selective as to which laws they will abide by find direct comparisons to those whom society views as being of lesser good character far from pleasant and the stigma that goes with it distasteful.


Still doesn't remove the stigma or the bad taste though. :laugh:

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  On 18/08/2011 at 10:12, Malt said:

They're not even what I'd call poachers if they're leaving dead carcases lying about the place, they're something far worse.. :yes: There's far too many in the game these days in it purely for the sake of killing. Bloodthirsty, savage cnuts who don't give a shit... :doh:


Hope you get some sort of resolution..



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  On 25/08/2011 at 17:43, foxdropper said:

North of the border its seems to be a way of life :yes: whilst we Englishmen live the life of country gents on permission given to us freely :tongue2: .We need to get that wall started really as they will be down here when it all runs out :whistling: .


awww you made me sad

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FD how correct you are i think the English have so little lad to stalk on that they will pay large sums of money or try back handed tactics to get stalking over the border we have more than enough and our problem is keeping the English Parasites south of the wall. Christian wee man you will never understand the meaning of friends as most of the English chaps i have met have only used our good natures to back stab us for our lands .I shall now be keeping my lands for personal gain not gifting it to English wannabees. :laugh:

Poaching is a a way of life that even landowners understand. up here unless they are invaders :cray:

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