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all ferrets in together

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id like to put all my ferrets intogether 24/7,i picked up a 13 week hob(fooking biter needs sorted lol) last night so thats 3 jills and 1 hob intogether,today i decided to put my other hob(thats in season) in with the other 4 that arent in season.hes had a good wrestle with the others but they seem to give as good as they get thats including the 2 kits and it looks like hes playing with them.i know normaly its better to keep the hob in season away but since he would be in with another 4 do yous reckon it should be ok,or still to risky?



i do plan to get the oldest hob nuetered and the youngest vaced but am looking for opinions if its possible to keep them together now..

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that would be the same for all the ferret veterans on here that keep one vaced hob in with 4 + jills all year round,i know the benifits of having a vaced hob but if it wasnt safe why would they keep them together.



edit:maybe i misunderstood your post,if so i mean risky because at times some can get badly injured i.e 1 hob and 1 jill together..i was asking if member think it would be to risky keeping them together,all seems to be ok the now but last thing i want is a injured or dead ferret

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Its not risky running a hob with three jills ,put if im reading the post correctly you put a adult hob in the equation as well ,That i wouldn't do he might kill the kit hob

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that would be the same for all the ferret veterans on here that keep one vaced hob in with 4 + jills all year round,i know the benifits of having a vaced hob but if it wasnt safe why would they keep them together.



edit:maybe i misunderstood your post,if so i mean risky because at times some can get badly injured i.e 1 hob and 1 jill together..i was asking if member think it would be to risky keeping them together,all seems to be ok the now but last thing i want is a injured or dead ferret

I had to take out the v hob the other day as he was persisting with one perticular Jill who isn't in season what I'm saying is he could damage them in his lust rage , that's all , Wong be long now anywAy once septembers out the way his nuts will go back down and he will have no urges till next spring

Edited by Jamie m
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alright lads thanks.those last 2 replys are good enough.ill put the big man back in on his own,was kinda hoping yous would agree it should be ok,ive been out a few times and seen nothing that had me concerned,spose it could happen anytime

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Im pretty sure if you got one hob snipped and the other castrated the vas hob would still fight when he was in season?


All mine are together like I said to you, but all my hobs have got the chop. They're fine ad have been together since day 1. My jill is in with them now. Cant believe u got another hob, I made that mistake twice and it costs £££££ to

Keep them together.



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probaly mate but they aint fighting,so far there hasnt been any hints of any problems.theres probaly more of a problem between one of jills and hob kit than any with the adult hob and others.looking at them you would think it would be ok,but ive seen other posts in the past so thought id post for peice of mind

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i got a ferret the other day first thing the fella said was keep him away from other hobs because he'd allready killed another hob and fought with another i dont no if every hob will fight with other hob just what i was told about this hob i got

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yes all the hobs i have had will fight to the death if they are in season they will kill kits as well my mate had 3 hobs in hutchs in a out place and hes kids had been in and left them out and he only had one hob standing when he got home from work and that one was not very well for a bit ( his name from then on was tyson the ferret )

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this took ages to upload lol, if you have spare time watch this and you will see what i mean and why i thought it would be ok(recorded today but the hob was split from them yesterday).its the poly kit that reckons she can take on the adult hob lol.the bite coment was about the the albino hob lol



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