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  On 17/08/2011 at 21:14, stop.end said:

great stuff men.... i dont claim to be a know all but as i say u know the differnce from an apprentice who has seen a bit and the confidence to do something..... or the apprentice thats happy too sweep up and make tea,,,, and i know what apprentice i want...... dee mac and danny atb with the pups and keep in touchj with the progress wee live in the same island so maybe 1 day well see each others work.... god spares lol :yes:

honest post there feller
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the pups that i had when i was writing that james, the one who started very early by accident is still in my yard and is doing good very steaady wee dog in no way a world beater...... hes only 2 and a haf but none the less i must have 25 to 30 good digs over him ... steady as a swiss watch and not afraid to mix it if hes required to...his other brother who took a lot longer to mature well hes unfortunately not with us anymore he didnt make the grade..but was given time to prove himself... if a dog starts early and the man knows how to pace him then to be honest i find it is these very dogs/bitches that more often than not surpass the grade for they live for work.... thats jmo :thumbs:

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  On 08/01/2013 at 16:37, stop.end said:

the pups that i had when i was writing that james, the one who started very early by accident is still in my yard and is doing good very steaady wee dog in no way a world beater...... hes only 2 and a haf but none the less i must have 25 to 30 good digs over him ... steady as a swiss watch and not afraid to mix it if hes required to...his other brother who took a lot longer to mature well hes unfortunately not with us anymore he didnt make the grade..but was given time to prove himself... if a dog starts early and the man knows how to pace him then to be honest i find it is these very dogs/bitches that more often than not surpass the grade for they live for work.... thats jmo :thumbs:

glad to hear it pal
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  On 17/08/2011 at 14:15, stop.end said:

i see a few forums on here recently about topics like... dogs first look.... or.... how young should i start my pup..... or even on the break through topic.... a guy was mentioning his two PUPS for this season 16 and 18 months...(not a pop by the way just saying) well just a wee insight into me and how i introduce mine..... ( by the way i see all on here as terriermen whatever way you plan to use them) but i mean the folk who have been at it for well over 15 to 20 years DIGGING...... week in week out come the season they dig there dogs.... (PROVIDING THEY NOT TOO INJURED FROM THERE LAST OUTING OF COURSE) granted and by the end of the season some of the terriers dont make it usually because of the grade..... but beleive me these dogs and bitches ( which good 1s are like hens teeth now a days lol ) will have seen all the best possible oppertunitys before the decision is made there no good....... if i get a pup from [bANNED TEXT] and there 8-9 weeks and jagged.... into the house he will go for maybe 3 days at most 4... just to get him used to the hustle and bustle of everyday life such as kids, adults, loud noises such as hoover, tv , rowdy kids lol even strangers coming and going and they all want too see the new pup is and all want a pet. after all he has usually just come from a kenell were a lucky few will have got to stare at them and say nice pups lol but with only usually the owner handling..... so by day 4 your pup is well socialised with the people in the kennells where he gona be staying and a few strange noises too boot hopefully resulting in a confident look at me in my home pup.... after day 4 he will start getn introduced through the the yard and with strict supervision to the other dogs... thats if you have any others ( i didnt and thats were the GOOD friends come in) letting the pup see the less boistorious dogs first (like the wee busy whippet he kept for the bunnys for craic.... but she thought she was a lion lol ) and beleive me even from this early age if you at the DIGGING game... good men see wee signs... and the not so good lol but we all see signs early on, then eventually all dogs that we gona hunt or walk pups with have been well intouduced by the time the pup is 20 weeks....but as that time has been passing the pup has also been going for wee trips to the farmers yard or the forestry with the squirrells in it lol...... just so he can get used to travelling in his box and get used to the van and all the new wonderful sights and smells that his hunting enviroment has to offer..... getting them used to livestock....and tractor sounds and the ifor william rattling past in the yard full of pigs or sheep.... or the nasty collie letting you know hes there.... i take them too the forestry with the squirrells in it because they learn to hunt very quickly and some squirrells can give them great wee hunts cause they can be on the ground scampering for a tree 20 yards which gives your new wee pup a chance to hunt a hot scent and line and beleive me you wana see how quickly then your terrier starts too hunt on in his own too a quaary he never gona get to see.... but the point i make is he stays away from the bunny smells as he learning to hunt but still learns to hunt very well... then its mr rat..... and by hunting the squirrells by the time he sees a caged long tail he should be well excited to say the least lol...now he can start to go a little further trips to better hunting ground with the old hands and get to run free with the trust worthys so by the time he 8 months that wee pup you have had in the yard has now become a confident YOUNG terrier... any self entered good terrier has usually been brought up in this way because all through his puppiness he has been given the oppertunity to do what he has been naturally bred to do.... AND THAT IS HUNT..... 10-11 months ready for there first day out... working terrier in,,,finds..... pup gets brought over to SMELL and HEAR all the goodstuff :yes: and just a wee teaser.... then tethered well away from the dig.....if he wats to see when opened to quarry i let them after all hes telling me he wants to see it i cant make him want to look :tongue2: .... now if he does well after his first.... then he will get other oppertunitys.... but i never push my pups or ask them to do anything....i let my pup tell me through signs that he will show.... or introducing the pup in this way you will soon learn what his abilitys are..ie nose ability stamina and gameness... then from that first day on in i will bide my time and just now over the next 3 months or so starting walking my YOUNG terrier with the b/f on around areas that i know if he hunts up and finds he would be dug too in a matter of 30 mins at the most for i only walk my pups at that age round confidence builders as we call them little shallow homes were easy to find and easier to dig..... and its up to him now how far he wants to progress.... for from that day forth my terriers progression is entirely up to him.....but i dont see him as a pup anymore for over that period of time we have done so much together so many miles so many fields endless wee surprises he does for you that you didnt even think he was capable of.....now hes 13 motnhs and certainly not what i would call any terrier.... pup at that age....they are now young dogs....just like when we are 18 we are expected to be ADULTS ha....f**k i know 18 yr olds who couldnt even boil an egg lol....so how could they even be classed as adults when there parents never taught them anything of any value how to get along in this big bad harsh world.... where as i also kow 15 yr olds who could easyily go to work, live on there own, and cook pay bills and still find time to hunt.....AND WHY... because these 15yr old parents teach them life skills not what f*****g hollyoaks and emmerdale tell them... THATS T.V. NOT LIFE... so if you have a pup for true terrier work.... dont leave them LYING IN THE KENNELLS..... DAYDREAMING..... GET THEM OUT FROM A YOUNG AGE AND SHOW THEM WHAT THE HUNTING LIFES ABOUT...AND LIKE YOUNG ADULTS YOU WILL SOON KNOW WHICH WILL MAKE THE GRADE....FOR THE HUNTING LIFES NOT EASY...FOR MAN OR TERRIER....SOOO CUT THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF EARLY LOL......... COULD YOU TELL I HAD f**k ALL TO DO TODAY :D :D :D LOL

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  On 08/01/2013 at 20:03, Comrade said:
  On 08/01/2013 at 16:37, stop.end said:

the pups that i had when i was writing that james, the one who started very early by accident is still in my yard and is doing good very steaady wee dog in no way a world beater...... hes only 2 and a haf but none the less i must have 25 to 30 good digs over him ... steady as a swiss watch and not afraid to mix it if hes required to...his other brother who took a lot longer to mature well hes unfortunately not with us anymore he didnt make the grade..but was given time to prove himself... if a dog starts early and the man knows how to pace him then to be honest i find it is these very dogs/bitches that more often than not surpass the grade for they live for work.... thats jmo :thumbs:

glad to hear it pal

.. Edited by CorkyJohn
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  On 16/01/2013 at 09:15, BOG SIDE said:
  On 17/08/2011 at 14:15, stop.end said:

i see a few forums on here recently about topics like... dogs first look.... or.... how young should i start my pup..... or even on the break through topic.... a guy was mentioning his two PUPS for this season 16 and 18 months...(not a pop by the way just saying) well just a wee insight into me and how i introduce mine..... ( by the way i see all on here as terriermen whatever way you plan to use them) but i mean the folk who have been at it for well over 15 to 20 years DIGGING...... week in week out come the season they dig there dogs.... (PROVIDING THEY NOT TOO INJURED FROM THERE LAST OUTING OF COURSE) granted and by the end of the season some of the terriers dont make it usually because of the grade..... but beleive me these dogs and bitches ( which good 1s are like hens teeth now a days lol ) will have seen all the best possible oppertunitys before the decision is made there no good....... if i get a pup from [bANNED TEXT] and there 8-9 weeks and jagged.... into the house he will go for maybe 3 days at most 4... just to get him used to the hustle and bustle of everyday life such as kids, adults, loud noises such as hoover, tv , rowdy kids lol even strangers coming and going and they all want too see the new pup is and all want a pet. after all he has usually just come from a kenell were a lucky few will have got to stare at them and say nice pups lol but with only usually the owner handling..... so by day 4 your pup is well socialised with the people in the kennells where he gona be staying and a few strange noises too boot hopefully resulting in a confident look at me in my home pup.... after day 4 he will start getn introduced through the the yard and with strict supervision to the other dogs... thats if you have any others ( i didnt and thats were the GOOD friends come in) letting the pup see the less boistorious dogs first (like the wee busy whippet he kept for the bunnys for craic.... but she thought she was a lion lol ) and beleive me even from this early age if you at the DIGGING game... good men see wee signs... and the not so good lol but we all see signs early on, then eventually all dogs that we gona hunt or walk pups with have been well intouduced by the time the pup is 20 weeks....but as that time has been passing the pup has also been going for wee trips to the farmers yard or the forestry with the squirrells in it lol...... just so he can get used to travelling in his box and get used to the van and all the new wonderful sights and smells that his hunting enviroment has to offer..... getting them used to livestock....and tractor sounds and the ifor william rattling past in the yard full of pigs or sheep.... or the nasty collie letting you know hes there.... i take them too the forestry with the squirrells in it because they learn to hunt very quickly and some squirrells can give them great wee hunts cause they can be on the ground scampering for a tree 20 yards which gives your new wee pup a chance to hunt a hot scent and line and beleive me you wana see how quickly then your terrier starts too hunt on in his own too a quaary he never gona get to see.... but the point i make is he stays away from the bunny smells as he learning to hunt but still learns to hunt very well... then its mr rat..... and by hunting the squirrells by the time he sees a caged long tail he should be well excited to say the least lol...now he can start to go a little further trips to better hunting ground with the old hands and get to run free with the trust worthys so by the time he 8 months that wee pup you have had in the yard has now become a confident YOUNG terrier... any self entered good terrier has usually been brought up in this way because all through his puppiness he has been given the oppertunity to do what he has been naturally bred to do.... AND THAT IS HUNT..... 10-11 months ready for there first day out... working terrier in,,,finds..... pup gets brought over to SMELL and HEAR all the goodstuff :yes: and just a wee teaser.... then tethered well away from the dig.....if he wats to see when opened to quarry i let them after all hes telling me he wants to see it i cant make him want to look :tongue2: .... now if he does well after his first.... then he will get other oppertunitys.... but i never push my pups or ask them to do anything....i let my pup tell me through signs that he will show.... or introducing the pup in this way you will soon learn what his abilitys are..ie nose ability stamina and gameness... then from that first day on in i will bide my time and just now over the next 3 months or so starting walking my YOUNG terrier with the b/f on around areas that i know if he hunts up and finds he would be dug too in a matter of 30 mins at the most for i only walk my pups at that age round confidence builders as we call them little shallow homes were easy to find and easier to dig..... and its up to him now how far he wants to progress.... for from that day forth my terriers progression is entirely up to him.....but i dont see him as a pup anymore for over that period of time we have done so much together so many miles so many fields endless wee surprises he does for you that you didnt even think he was capable of.....now hes 13 motnhs and certainly not what i would call any terrier.... pup at that age....they are now young dogs....just like when we are 18 we are expected to be ADULTS ha....f**k i know 18 yr olds who couldnt even boil an egg lol....so how could they even be classed as adults when there parents never taught them anything of any value how to get along in this big bad harsh world.... where as i also kow 15 yr olds who could easyily go to work, live on there own, and cook pay bills and still find time to hunt.....AND WHY... because these 15yr old parents teach them life skills not what f*****g hollyoaks and emmerdale tell them... THATS T.V. NOT LIFE... so if you have a pup for true terrier work.... dont leave them LYING IN THE KENNELLS..... DAYDREAMING..... GET THEM OUT FROM A YOUNG AGE AND SHOW THEM WHAT THE HUNTING LIFES ABOUT...AND LIKE YOUNG ADULTS YOU WILL SOON KNOW WHICH WILL MAKE THE GRADE....FOR THE HUNTING LIFES NOT EASY...FOR MAN OR TERRIER....SOOO CUT THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF EARLY LOL......... COULD YOU TELL I HAD f**k ALL TO DO TODAY :D :D :D LOL


he must've deleted his account, shame as he was one of the few who talked sense & had morals
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  On 16/01/2013 at 09:38, CorkyJohn said:
  On 16/01/2013 at 09:15, BOG SIDE said:
  On 17/08/2011 at 14:15, stop.end said:

i see a few forums on here recently about topics like... dogs first look.... or.... how young should i start my pup..... or even on the break through topic.... a guy was mentioning his two PUPS for this season 16 and 18 months...(not a pop by the way just saying) well just a wee insight into me and how i introduce mine..... ( by the way i see all on here as terriermen whatever way you plan to use them) but i mean the folk who have been at it for well over 15 to 20 years DIGGING...... week in week out come the season they dig there dogs.... (PROVIDING THEY NOT TOO INJURED FROM THERE LAST OUTING OF COURSE) granted and by the end of the season some of the terriers dont make it usually because of the grade..... but beleive me these dogs and bitches ( which good 1s are like hens teeth now a days lol ) will have seen all the best possible oppertunitys before the decision is made there no good....... if i get a pup from [bANNED TEXT] and there 8-9 weeks and jagged.... into the house he will go for maybe 3 days at most 4... just to get him used to the hustle and bustle of everyday life such as kids, adults, loud noises such as hoover, tv , rowdy kids lol even strangers coming and going and they all want too see the new pup is and all want a pet. after all he has usually just come from a kenell were a lucky few will have got to stare at them and say nice pups lol but with only usually the owner handling..... so by day 4 your pup is well socialised with the people in the kennells where he gona be staying and a few strange noises too boot hopefully resulting in a confident look at me in my home pup.... after day 4 he will start getn introduced through the the yard and with strict supervision to the other dogs... thats if you have any others ( i didnt and thats were the GOOD friends come in) letting the pup see the less boistorious dogs first (like the wee busy whippet he kept for the bunnys for craic.... but she thought she was a lion lol ) and beleive me even from this early age if you at the DIGGING game... good men see wee signs... and the not so good lol but we all see signs early on, then eventually all dogs that we gona hunt or walk pups with have been well intouduced by the time the pup is 20 weeks....but as that time has been passing the pup has also been going for wee trips to the farmers yard or the forestry with the squirrells in it lol...... just so he can get used to travelling in his box and get used to the van and all the new wonderful sights and smells that his hunting enviroment has to offer..... getting them used to livestock....and tractor sounds and the ifor william rattling past in the yard full of pigs or sheep.... or the nasty collie letting you know hes there.... i take them too the forestry with the squirrells in it because they learn to hunt very quickly and some squirrells can give them great wee hunts cause they can be on the ground scampering for a tree 20 yards which gives your new wee pup a chance to hunt a hot scent and line and beleive me you wana see how quickly then your terrier starts too hunt on in his own too a quaary he never gona get to see.... but the point i make is he stays away from the bunny smells as he learning to hunt but still learns to hunt very well... then its mr rat..... and by hunting the squirrells by the time he sees a caged long tail he should be well excited to say the least lol...now he can start to go a little further trips to better hunting ground with the old hands and get to run free with the trust worthys so by the time he 8 months that wee pup you have had in the yard has now become a confident YOUNG terrier... any self entered good terrier has usually been brought up in this way because all through his puppiness he has been given the oppertunity to do what he has been naturally bred to do.... AND THAT IS HUNT..... 10-11 months ready for there first day out... working terrier in,,,finds..... pup gets brought over to SMELL and HEAR all the goodstuff :yes: and just a wee teaser.... then tethered well away from the dig.....if he wats to see when opened to quarry i let them after all hes telling me he wants to see it i cant make him want to look :tongue2: .... now if he does well after his first.... then he will get other oppertunitys.... but i never push my pups or ask them to do anything....i let my pup tell me through signs that he will show.... or introducing the pup in this way you will soon learn what his abilitys are..ie nose ability stamina and gameness... then from that first day on in i will bide my time and just now over the next 3 months or so starting walking my YOUNG terrier with the b/f on around areas that i know if he hunts up and finds he would be dug too in a matter of 30 mins at the most for i only walk my pups at that age round confidence builders as we call them little shallow homes were easy to find and easier to dig..... and its up to him now how far he wants to progress.... for from that day forth my terriers progression is entirely up to him.....but i dont see him as a pup anymore for over that period of time we have done so much together so many miles so many fields endless wee surprises he does for you that you didnt even think he was capable of.....now hes 13 motnhs and certainly not what i would call any terrier.... pup at that age....they are now young dogs....just like when we are 18 we are expected to be ADULTS ha....f**k i know 18 yr olds who couldnt even boil an egg lol....so how could they even be classed as adults when there parents never taught them anything of any value how to get along in this big bad harsh world.... where as i also kow 15 yr olds who could easyily go to work, live on there own, and cook pay bills and still find time to hunt.....AND WHY... because these 15yr old parents teach them life skills not what f*****g hollyoaks and emmerdale tell them... THATS T.V. NOT LIFE... so if you have a pup for true terrier work.... dont leave them LYING IN THE KENNELLS..... DAYDREAMING..... GET THEM OUT FROM A YOUNG AGE AND SHOW THEM WHAT THE HUNTING LIFES ABOUT...AND LIKE YOUNG ADULTS YOU WILL SOON KNOW WHICH WILL MAKE THE GRADE....FOR THE HUNTING LIFES NOT EASY...FOR MAN OR TERRIER....SOOO CUT THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF EARLY LOL......... COULD YOU TELL I HAD f**k ALL TO DO TODAY :D :D :D LOL


he must've deleted his account, shame as he was one of the few who talked sense & had morals

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  On 16/01/2013 at 11:58, BOG SIDE said:
  On 16/01/2013 at 09:38, CorkyJohn said:
  On 16/01/2013 at 09:15, BOG SIDE said:
  On 17/08/2011 at 14:15, stop.end said:

i see a few forums on here recently about topics like... dogs first look.... or.... how young should i start my pup..... or even on the break through topic.... a guy was mentioning his two PUPS for this season 16 and 18 months...(not a pop by the way just saying) well just a wee insight into me and how i introduce mine..... ( by the way i see all on here as terriermen whatever way you plan to use them) but i mean the folk who have been at it for well over 15 to 20 years DIGGING...... week in week out come the season they dig there dogs.... (PROVIDING THEY NOT TOO INJURED FROM THERE LAST OUTING OF COURSE) granted and by the end of the season some of the terriers dont make it usually because of the grade..... but beleive me these dogs and bitches ( which good 1s are like hens teeth now a days lol ) will have seen all the best possible oppertunitys before the decision is made there no good....... if i get a pup from [bANNED TEXT] and there 8-9 weeks and jagged.... into the house he will go for maybe 3 days at most 4... just to get him used to the hustle and bustle of everyday life such as kids, adults, loud noises such as hoover, tv , rowdy kids lol even strangers coming and going and they all want too see the new pup is and all want a pet. after all he has usually just come from a kenell were a lucky few will have got to stare at them and say nice pups lol but with only usually the owner handling..... so by day 4 your pup is well socialised with the people in the kennells where he gona be staying and a few strange noises too boot hopefully resulting in a confident look at me in my home pup.... after day 4 he will start getn introduced through the the yard and with strict supervision to the other dogs... thats if you have any others ( i didnt and thats were the GOOD friends come in) letting the pup see the less boistorious dogs first (like the wee busy whippet he kept for the bunnys for craic.... but she thought she was a lion lol ) and beleive me even from this early age if you at the DIGGING game... good men see wee signs... and the not so good lol but we all see signs early on, then eventually all dogs that we gona hunt or walk pups with have been well intouduced by the time the pup is 20 weeks....but as that time has been passing the pup has also been going for wee trips to the farmers yard or the forestry with the squirrells in it lol...... just so he can get used to travelling in his box and get used to the van and all the new wonderful sights and smells that his hunting enviroment has to offer..... getting them used to livestock....and tractor sounds and the ifor william rattling past in the yard full of pigs or sheep.... or the nasty collie letting you know hes there.... i take them too the forestry with the squirrells in it because they learn to hunt very quickly and some squirrells can give them great wee hunts cause they can be on the ground scampering for a tree 20 yards which gives your new wee pup a chance to hunt a hot scent and line and beleive me you wana see how quickly then your terrier starts too hunt on in his own too a quaary he never gona get to see.... but the point i make is he stays away from the bunny smells as he learning to hunt but still learns to hunt very well... then its mr rat..... and by hunting the squirrells by the time he sees a caged long tail he should be well excited to say the least lol...now he can start to go a little further trips to better hunting ground with the old hands and get to run free with the trust worthys so by the time he 8 months that wee pup you have had in the yard has now become a confident YOUNG terrier... any self entered good terrier has usually been brought up in this way because all through his puppiness he has been given the oppertunity to do what he has been naturally bred to do.... AND THAT IS HUNT..... 10-11 months ready for there first day out... working terrier in,,,finds..... pup gets brought over to SMELL and HEAR all the goodstuff :yes: and just a wee teaser.... then tethered well away from the dig.....if he wats to see when opened to quarry i let them after all hes telling me he wants to see it i cant make him want to look :tongue2: .... now if he does well after his first.... then he will get other oppertunitys.... but i never push my pups or ask them to do anything....i let my pup tell me through signs that he will show.... or introducing the pup in this way you will soon learn what his abilitys are..ie nose ability stamina and gameness... then from that first day on in i will bide my time and just now over the next 3 months or so starting walking my YOUNG terrier with the b/f on around areas that i know if he hunts up and finds he would be dug too in a matter of 30 mins at the most for i only walk my pups at that age round confidence builders as we call them little shallow homes were easy to find and easier to dig..... and its up to him now how far he wants to progress.... for from that day forth my terriers progression is entirely up to him.....but i dont see him as a pup anymore for over that period of time we have done so much together so many miles so many fields endless wee surprises he does for you that you didnt even think he was capable of.....now hes 13 motnhs and certainly not what i would call any terrier.... pup at that age....they are now young dogs....just like when we are 18 we are expected to be ADULTS ha....f**k i know 18 yr olds who couldnt even boil an egg lol....so how could they even be classed as adults when there parents never taught them anything of any value how to get along in this big bad harsh world.... where as i also kow 15 yr olds who could easyily go to work, live on there own, and cook pay bills and still find time to hunt.....AND WHY... because these 15yr old parents teach them life skills not what f*****g hollyoaks and emmerdale tell them... THATS T.V. NOT LIFE... so if you have a pup for true terrier work.... dont leave them LYING IN THE KENNELLS..... DAYDREAMING..... GET THEM OUT FROM A YOUNG AGE AND SHOW THEM WHAT THE HUNTING LIFES ABOUT...AND LIKE YOUNG ADULTS YOU WILL SOON KNOW WHICH WILL MAKE THE GRADE....FOR THE HUNTING LIFES NOT EASY...FOR MAN OR TERRIER....SOOO CUT THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF EARLY LOL......... COULD YOU TELL I HAD f**k ALL TO DO TODAY :D :D :D LOL


he must've deleted his account, shame as he was one of the few who talked sense & had morals


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::thumbs:
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