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Transmitter Query

Parabuteos lad

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well yesterday me, and my two mates were flying our gyr x sakers and one of my mates lost his bird, it caught a various mid air and decided to keep going. long story short he got it back, out of a tree and two hours later realised the transmitter had came off. we tracked it to the tree the bird was in but as it was dark couldnt see it. so my question is, is there something that can be attached to transmitters that flashes or something like this? i though about fishing night lights but they would be costly as it is unlikely that the transmitter will be pulled out of the tailmount often. what i was thinking of is something small, that runs on a similar battery to the transmitter?

thanks in advance

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Have you seen the cigarette lighter's with the little blue LED torches on them..you can by 10 of the lighters for a £1 in a shop near me..they last for ages and if you take the LED light out of the lighter with the little battery pack im sure you would be able to tape it to a transmitter similar in size to a RT+....other than that i have read something many moon's ago about little light's that can be fitted to harris hawk's so they can be spotted when out lamping..but i can't for the life of me remember where i read it.

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http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Flashing-Blue-LED-Becon-Pendant-Cycling-night-/150526847992?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Camping_LightsLanternsTorches&hash=item230c196bf8 u can use the ones that goes on keyrings that flash ,think there ment for dogs at night and im sure i have seen them in pound land,also u can put some high viz tape on the flying jessies and will catch the light of the lamp .not sure if u know but take the bells of mate at night for obvious reason ,

this is them

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the last thing you want to do is add much more weight to your Transmitter expecially if deck mounting, there's loads of this stuff on Ebay to stick on the Transmitter :thumbs:, the other good thing is even when a Transmitter comes off the bird you can normally track it when there is daylight.


I asked a pal a few years back to remove the transmitter off the Gos only to find it had gone complete with deck feather, I ended up tracking it back to some woods ending up in a strong signal all around me, it turned out I was virtually standing beside it caught on the bottom runner of a old Barbwire fence.



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I know i have put a bit off pointless information up ...but for the record i put two tag's on a hawk and im yet to come unstuck..if the batteries in your lost tranny are half fresh it can easily be found by torch light or the next day.

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  On 16/08/2011 at 21:22, Millet said:

I know i have put a bit off pointless information up ...but for the record i put two tag's on a hawk and im yet to come unstuck..if the batteries in your lost tranny are half fresh it can easily be found by torch light or the next day.


:clapper: bang on mate! Don't know if you remember the last time we was flying I did the same and stuck two on due to one of the tranny's playing up. to be honest PL It would have been easier for your mate to go back in the daylight and retreive it, if the batteries was checked before he went flyiing then there's should have been plenty left to retreive it 24hrs later no probs.

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  On 17/08/2011 at 06:37, jasper65 said:



:clapper: bang on mate! Don't know if you remember the last time we was flying I did the same and stuck two on due to one of the tranny's playing up.

Definitely mate it's the way forward :thumbs: ..i remember when Genghis hit a bottom strand on a fence while chasing a pheasant when out with ian..he bent the spring back over and was lucky not to rip his deck feathers out..ever since then i alway's double up with a leg mounted micro.


bent spring


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