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hi all just got back in to sport after long break an just got a tx200 mk111 .22 am after sighting it in and some good advice on the subject as not had much to do with air rifles before just dogs and ferrets, Thanks for looking an any help/pointers are appreciated. :victory:

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this is easy. you just need to unscrew the caps (1 on top and 1 on side) on the side of the scope. the top ones to move it up and down and the side moves the focus left and right. make sure you have a solide surface behind the target in case it goes way wide so you can see how far off you are. take your first shot then adjust as needed. for instance if it lands off to the left adjust the focus to the right click by click and same for up and down. eventually youll get there mate! :) hope it helps

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No solid rest mate. Use a soft cushioning beany seat or bag to rest and support your leading forearm as your hand supports the forend. The TX200 Mklll is beautiful shooting rifle but you need to shoot it correctly to shoot it accurately. Prone is the best platform to build spring rifle accuracy on.





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