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Day Off went Better then Planned!!

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Hey Guys & Gals,


Well today I had a day off, after working my but off for the past 3 weeks without a single day to myself; today I intended to do NOTHING except maybe watch the Jeremy Kyle show repeat on ITV2 +1 starts at just about the time I wanted to roll out of bed (11:30ish) I love watching benefit Britain... im just waiting to see the Graham Brothers on there doing a lie detector Scamming ...*$%.?**!. Ill let you fill that bit in!!


Anyway all did not go to plan! At 5:30am my bedside cabinet started to vibrate ffs I thought to myself who the bloody hell is that, in a half dazed state I thumbed for my phone and just about managed to say hello, it was my best mate his van wouldn’t start. being the good friend that I am I was at his house in 10min after half hour of scratching our heads we decided that either the glow plugs were dead or the coil had gone, not something we could fix at 6:15am so I gave him a lift to work.


Finally getting home at around 8:00am I went back up to bed. after 5 min of tossing & turning I decided there was no way I was going to go back to sleep so with the hump I stomped down stairs to make some breakfast after a quick scan through the fridge and nothing taking my fancy the thought of a double sausage & egg McMuffin passed my mind. As the urge for McDonalds grew it was only supported by the fact one of my permissions was only 5 min round the corner. After a bit of umming & arhing I dawned my Camo and packed the car.


After devouring my breakfast I got to the permission at around 9:00am. after a quick Zero check I started to stalk round the outside of the forest line where I spotted my first victim squizzer #1 it was about 35 yards away eating nuts in a tree I slid my shooting stick off my shoulder and planted them in the floor got down on one knee and took aim "THWACK" lights out dropped like a stone.


After a quick fag and few snaps with the Camera I decided to use a natural hide to do some static shooting to give my newly home made shooting sticks a proper test (all credit for design goes to HuntersVermin Youtube Channel).




20min went by without any sign of life except the moseys feeding off my arms when out of the orchids hopped Mr Rabbit #1, at an estimated 50 yards feeling ever more confident with the stability of the shooting sticks I made the shot giving 1 Mill-Dot hold over "THWACK" the pellet went through and out the other side into tree with not even a twitch of its legs a bunny now in the bag, I could not be more pleased with this shot as was dead in the kill zone (No Pun intended).


An hour or so went past with nothing so being impatient I decided to have a walk around. 25 yards ahead I spied 2 squizzers scrapping in a tree, I shouldered the rifle and took them both out in about 15 seconds squizzer #2 & #3 in the bag.


It was now about 11:30am and I decided to call it a day on the way back to the car I took another squizzer so for about 3 and a half hours of shooting I came home with 4 squizzers & 1 bunny.


so all in all what started off as a bad day turned out to be one of the better hunting trips for such a short space of time.


Hope you enjoy the read






The Permittion






My AAS410 Carbine



Shooting Sticks



Squizzer #1



Mr Rabbit # 1



Mr Rabbit # 1



Squizzer #2 & #3



Todays Bag


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  On 15/08/2011 at 14:34, secretagentmole said:

Ooh nice mixed pie Bugs... Good shooting...


just about to start gutting now Rabbit will go into a stew and the Squirrels will be a mates ferret food :thumbs:


dont fancy the thought of squirrel :bad: but thats prob just me!





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  On 15/08/2011 at 14:51, secretagentmole said:

Elvis loved deep fried squirrel and it is supposed to be a very good meat, just a lot of preparation compared to a rabbit!


he was the king!! :thumbs:


i wouldnt know where to start on preparing a squirrel but i supose youtube is only a click away

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Top shooting there Bugs, nice shot placement!


Looks a lovely permission. Have made a set of shooting sticks myself as per the same design. Makes kneelers and standers easy, giving a dead steady sight picture.


Cracking write up, got to be worth a SP!



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Hi Jamie.


What a day, better than laying in the pit mate :thumbs:

Looking at this, your mate did you a huge favour ringing you, excellent shooting and shot placment.

As already said, lovely clear pictures and excellently written post.

Hope your mates van comes back to life.


Same here.....have a SP :thumbs:








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thanks for all the great comments guys & gals :thumbs:


could someone please explain what an SP is im kind of new to this sort of thing lol :icon_redface:


also Mole that link was a good read nextime i might just try what the king loved deep fried SQUIRRIEL


thanks again all





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Hi Jamie.


A SP ( Slut Point ) is awarded to a person/post, and is a compliment.

In your profile, you will see a reputation line of stars, the more slut points, the better your reputation. ( Well I think thats how it works :laugh: )


To award a SP the is a little box ( Like this ) at the bottom right of the page, if you click on this it awards that person a SP.......or it used to, the format on here has recently changed.


While Im here.....I thought the clarity of your pictures was brilliant, what camera are you using mate ?








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