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3/4 Whippet 1/4 Greyhound

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Hi All,


Can anyone tell me a rough size these will attain? I know it will depend largely on the sire and dam but does anyone have a range?


If anyone has any pictures of there 3/4 1/4 bred's I'd love to see them!


Cheers Matt

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Mine is off greyXwhipp 23" to a 3/4 grey, 1/4 whip also 23" and mine has grown to..............23" :D

She's actually more Grey than whip but i'm pleased with her size.

Looks just like the other dogs pictured but for some reason it wont let me load a pic (plenty posted on other topics if you want to look for them). :thumbs:

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mate of mine got this one,dont think he mind me putting it up as its been on here before

22tts i believe


hes a nice dogs wouldt mind useing him on my bitch :tongue2: :tongue2: :boogy:


what just to up that 0-60 you mean :laugh:



thats all she needs mate there be ok :thumbs:

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mate of mine got this one,dont think he mind me putting it up as its been on here before

22tts i believe


hes a nice dogs wouldt mind useing him on my bitch :tongue2: :tongue2: :boogy:


what just to up that 0-60 you mean :laugh:



thats all she needs mate there be ok :thumbs:


dont doubt it for a minute mate :thumbs:

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this was my old bitch sadly no longer with me due to injury , 3\4 whippet 1\4 grey 21 tts









Stunning dog that mate! How was it with its feet, did you have many issues with her?



no issues with her , good feet very fast but lacked the last gear , never made a good ferreting dog but was a hell of a lamp dog , R. I . P inca :thumbs:

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