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Cheers mate! Do ya need specs????????

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Well guys don't take a mate shooting if he forgets his spectacles, I'm sat out pigeon thinning after the days cut and as I write im crying as I have just witnessed with my own eyes James shoot one of my rotary machines,oops he said I thought it was an incoming, had to laugh, it should mend!!!!

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Well it went a bit like this,I had forgotten I had parked the landrover in the field beside where me and Moz were pigeoning.swung for a right to left bird.fired the first barrel only to drop the lot on the bonnet of the truck no damage but a funny experience.but not as funny as the rotary effort that was quality.glad to say this doesn't happen alot.


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Don't worry as long as you don't look like a rotary or a green landy you will be safe walking ya dog. ha ha.all that was missing that day was Harry hill running through the stubble with our £250 snecker for the video on you've been framed lol. I wonder how many folk have actually shot their decoys or bouncer in the crossfire. But Then I wonder how many would admit it.as for

Landrover plinking it's not advised.won't be doing that again ever.

No animals or humans were harmed in the making of this story just the transport and decoying equipment.


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:laugh: I had a mate no, really it was a mate! :yes:, who was using the roof of my car to lean on whilst checking zero on his PCP .22, he obviously wasn't aware of the line of sight issue between muzzle and scope. Saw him squeeze off the action and then duck as the pellet smashed into the roof rail opposite :doh:. He felt like a right numpty :icon_redface: , made me laugh and only light cosmetic damage.
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Lol atleast it didn't bounce back and give him a love bite ha ha.we have had a few elastic air gun pellets over the years.when dispatching a rat in a live trap last year.shot the wire by mistake.pellet bounced up and hit me sock in the neck and it bloody hurts, but on a happier note it's them little lessons in life you don't ever

want to re sit.they may seem funny at the time but remember boys and girls be safe.


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